

单词 diabetic retinopathy

diabetic retinopathy

diabetic retinopathy

n. See retinopathy.
Noun1.diabetic retinopathy - retinopathy involving damage to the small blood vessels in the retina; results from chronically high blood glucose levels in people with poorly controlled diabetesretinopathy - a disease of the retina that can result in loss of vision

diabetic retinopathy


 [ret″ĭ-nop´ah-the] any noninflammatory disease of the retina.central serous retinopathy a usually self-limiting condition marked by acute localized detachment of the neural retina or retinal pigment epithelium in the region of the macula, with hypermetropia.circinate retinopathy a condition marked by a circle of white spots enclosing the macular area, leading to complete foveal blindness.diabetic retinopathy retinal manifestations of diabetes mellitus, including microaneurysms and punctate exudates. There are two major forms of diabetic retinopathy, nonproliferative and proliferative. The nonproliferative form is characterized by dilation of the retinal veins and microaneurysms which may leak blood cells and/or plasma, causing internal hemorrhaging or edema in the retina. Edema in peripheral areas of the retina goes unnoticed by the patient and may go untreated, whereas edema occurring in the central retina (macula) causes noticeably decreased vision and is the primary cause of vision loss in nonproliferative disease. (See Atlas 4, Part D.) Treatment by local laser photocoagulation is aimed at sealing shut the breaks in the blood vessels and preventing additional leakage of fluid into the area. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential in this disease to enhance a final visual outcome of stabilization and prevention of further loss of vision.

In proliferative diabetic retinopathy new blood vessels form near the optic disk, break through the inner membranous lining, and grow on the vitreous chamber and elsewhere in the retina and may rupture, causing gross vitreous hemorrhage. Additionally, fibrous tissue is generated secondary to the new blood vessel formation, and both the fibrous tissue and the new blood vessels become firmly attached to the posterior vitreous face. As the vitreous humor moves, the blood vessels and fibrous tissue cause tractional pulling on the retina and may result in separation or detachment of areas of retina. Panretinal laser photocoagulation is the definitive therapy. The study of early treatment for diabetic retinopathy proved the efficacy of this procedure in causing regression of the new blood vessels and prevention of vitreous hemorrhage and tractional retinal detachments, the two major causes of vision loss from this form of the disease.
exudative retinopathy a condition marked by masses of white or yellowish exudate in the posterior part of the fundus oculi, with deposits of cholestrin and blood debris from retinal hemorrhage, and leading to destruction of the macula and blindness.hemorrhagic retinopathy retinopathy marked by profuse hemorrhaging in the retina, occurring in diabetes, occlusion of the central vein, and hypertension.hypertensive retinopathy that associated with essential hypertension; changes may include irregular narrowing of the retinal arterioles, hemorrhages in the nerve fiber layers and the outer plexiform layer, exudates and cotton-wool patches, arteriosclerotic changes, and, in malignant hypertension, papilledema. (See also Atlas 4, Part C.)leukemic retinopathy a condition occurring in leukemia, with paleness of the fundus resulting from infiltration of the retina and choroid with leukocytes, and swelling of the disk with blurring of its margin.retinopathy of prematurity a disease of the developing retinal vasculature of the premature newborn. The incidence correlates with degree of prematurity; that is, the more premature the infant is, the greater the possibility of this condition occurring. The cause is vasoconstriction of retinal capillaries due to the presence of very high concentrations of oxygen in these blood vessels, which produces an overgrowth of retinal blood vessels. The vascular proliferation and exudation of blood and serum detaches the retina and produces scarring and inevitable blindness. To prevent retinopathy of prematurity it is recommended that oxygen be administered to premature newborns in as low a concentration and for as short a time as feasible. Careful monitoring of the newborn and evaluation of oxygen tension level are essential because no totally safe dosage of oxygen that will prevent the retinal changes has been found. Called also retrolental fibroplasia.proliferative retinopathy the proliferative type of diabetic retinopathy.

di·a·bet·ic ret·i·nop·a·thy

retinal changes occurring in diabetes mellitus, marked by microaneurysms, exudates, and hemorrhages, sometimes by neovascularization. Synonym(s): fundus diabeticus

In the U.S., diabetic eye disease is the leading cause of blindness in adults (ages 20-65) and is responsible for 24,000 cases of blindness each year-approximately 25% of all newly reported cases. Within 20 years after the onset of clinical disease, retinopathy occurs in nearly all patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) and in more than 60% of patients with Type 2 DM. Retinopathy is already present at the time of diagnosis in 20% of people with Type 2 DM. The principal form is nonproliferative retinopathy, which results directly from degenerative changes in retinal capillaries. Features of this disorder, as observed on funduscopic examination, include microaneurysms; soft or cotton wool exudates, which are actually areas of microinfarction; hard or waxy exudates, which are deposits of lipid and protein from leaking capillaries; and flame or dot-and-blot hemorrhages. A few patients, principally those with Type 1 DM, develop a proliferative retinopathy characterized by neovascularization (proliferation of new capillary loops on the retinal surface). The changes of diabetic retinopathy are most clearly visualized by fluorescein angiography. Either type of retinopathy can impair vision by destroying retinal tissue directly and by predisposing to retinal edema, retinal detachment, and vitreous hemorrhage, but proliferative retinopathy is more rapidly progressive and more likely to lead to blindness without treatment. Controlled clinical studies have shown that maintaining blood glucose levels as near normal as possible at all times in people with DM substantially retards the onset and rate of progression of retinopathy. Laser photocoagulation is effective in arresting neovascularization in proliferative diabetic retinopathy and macular edema. Surgery may be required for treatment of vitreous hemorrhage or retinal tears.

diabetic retinopathy

n. See retinopathy.

diabetic retinopathy

Ophthalmology A condition characterized by progressive deterioration of the retina with microaneuryms, hemorrhage, neovascularization; it is the major cause of visual impairment in the US < age 60; at 20 yrs, 40% of Pts with type 1 DM and 5% of those with type 2 DM have proliferative DR; clinically significant macular edema occurs in 10–15% of Pts with DM for > 15 yrs Management Glycemic control, photocoagulation, vitrectomy

di·a·bet·ic ret·i·nop·a·thy

(dī-ă-bet'ik ret'i-nop'ă-thē) Retinal changes occurring in diabetes of long duration, marked by hemorrhages, microaneurysms, and sharply defined waxy deposits, or by proliferative retinopathy.

diabetic retinopathy

A disease of small retinal blood vessels that causes blood leakage (haemorrhages) which may be confined to the RETINA, or which may extend forward into the VITREOUS BODY with serious effects on vision. Fronds of new and fragile blood vessels may develop on the surface of the retina. Treatment is by laser destruction of much of the un-needed periphery of the retina. This is followed by disappearance of new blood vessels.

Diabetic retinopathy

A condition where the tiny blood vessels to the retina, the tissues that sense light at the back of the eye, are damaged, leading to blurred vision, sudden blindness, or black spots, lines, or flashing lights in the field of vision.Mentioned in: Diabetes Mellitus, Retinal Detachment, Visual Impairment, Vitrectomy

di·a·bet·ic ret·i·nop·a·thy

(dī-ă-bet'ik ret'i-nop'ă-thē) Retinal changes occurring in diabetes of long duration, marked by hemorrhages, microaneurysms, sharply defined waxy deposits, or proliferative retinopathy.
AcronymsSeedata rate

diabetic retinopathy

Related to diabetic retinopathy: hypertensive retinopathy
  • noun

Words related to diabetic retinopathy

noun retinopathy involving damage to the small blood vessels in the retina

Related Words

  • retinopathy




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