

单词 cats
释义 IdiomsSeecat




mammals of the family Felidae of the order Carnivora. All members of living and fossil species of Felidae have a small head, a lithe and muscular body, short yet powerful legs, and fully or partially retractile claws. Most species have a long tail. Cats range in size from small (domestic cat) to large (lion, tiger). The coat is short; the coat of northern and high mountain species is more downy than that of cats found in the tropics. Cats dwelling in tropical forests often have bright coloration (black spots or stripes on a gray, orange, or smoke-colored background); those in the northern steppes and desert regions are yellow or sand-colored, with a white belly. The most well developed senses are those of sound and sight; the sense of smell is weak in most species. Ancestors of the Felidae were known in the Oligocene epoch, when two subfamilies became distinct: typical cats and sabertooths.

There are 37 species of modern cats, belonging to three genera. The genus Panthera includes the snow leopard, jaguar, lion, and tiger. Felis includes the domestic cat, European wildcat, Bengal tiger, northern lynx, and caracal lynx. The third genus is Acinonyx, which contains the cheetah. In the USSR there are 11 species. Wild members of the family are found on all continents and large islands except Australia, New Guinea, Sulawesi, Antarctica, Greenland, and Madagascar. Cats are found primarily in the tropics. The taiga zone has only tigers, pumas, and lynx, and some Bengal cats (in the Primor'e).

Cats lead a predominantly crepuscular and nocturnal mode of existence. They feed on mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and sometimes insects. Most species hunt alone or with their whole group; lions, however, often hunt with temporary associative groups, or prides. The small species reproduce once a year; only the domestic cat bears young more frequently. The big cats reproduce less than once a year. Small species give birth to five or six young, and the big cats bear only two to four cubs at a time. Cats are sought for their skins or are captured for zoos. In some regions they harm livestock. Tigers and lions are protected species in a number of countries.


Brem, A. Zhizn' zhivotnykh, vol. 5. Moscow, 1941.
Mlekopitaiushchie Sovetskogo Soiuza, vol. 2, part 2. Moscow, 1972.
Denis, A. Cats of the World. London, 1964.



Cemetery (See BURIAL GROUND.)cat, Dick Whittington’ssent to Morocco, its purchase by the king gives the future Lord Mayor his stake to success. [Br. Legend: Benét, 1088]Felixlonely star-crossed fantasist, fights against fate in strange worlds. [Comics: “Felix the Cat” in Horn, 246]Garfieldlazy gourmand, impudent to its master. [Amer. Comics: Garfield]Heathcliffaggressive cat, hoodwinks fishmongers and upsets milkmen. [Amer. Comics: Heathcliff]Krazy Katperennially involved in conflict with his friend Ignatz the mouse. [Comics: Horn, 436]Macavitymysterious feline, “Napoleon of crime.” [Br. Lit.: T. S. Eliot Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats in Drabble, 714]Mehitabelunladylike cat; its motto, “toujours gai.” [Am. Lit.: archy and mehitabel in Hart, 525]Old Deuteronomyelderly cat whose comfort is seen to by the entire village. [Br. Lit.: T. S. Eliot Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats in Drabble, 714]Plutopet of a brutal alcoholic who mutilates and hangs it, with dire consequences to himself. [Am. Lit.: Poe “The Black Cat”]Puss in Bootscleverly secures a fortune for its penniless master. [Fr. Fairy Tale: “Puss in Boots” in Benét, 829]Tobermorytaught to speak fluently, it proves insolent and catty. [Br. Lit.: The Short Stories of Saki in Magill IV, 1148]





Abbreviation for:
Canadian American ticlopidine study
Captopril and Thrombolysis Study
Canadian Association of Thoracic Surgeons
Children’s Acute Transport Service (Medspeak-UK)
Cognitive Activation Theory of Stress
comparative anchor tagged sequence
Credit Accumulated Transfer Scheme (Medspeak-UK)


Clinical trials 1. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial–Canadian-American Ticlopidine Study which assessed the effect of ticlopidine in ↓ CVAs, MIs, or vascular death in Pts with thromboembolic strokes.2. A clinical trial–Captopril And Thrombolysis Study.

Patient discussion about CATS

Q. Any one used or know anything about cats claw? What you think about this site ? http://cats-claw.blogspot.com/A. There's some info here:
To your health...

Q. Can it be that I stopped being allergic to cats? is it a miracle? I was allergic to cats in my childhood, and yesterday a friend cat jumped on me and nothing happened. A. NO,IF NOTHING HAPPENED

Q. i LOVE cats! but whenever I get near them I start sneezing like crazy Is there something I can take that will prevent this allergic reaction? cause I'm just dying to get a fluffy little kitty... A. i know a guy who's going through an anti-allergy treatment (for the last year and a half). he is going every month or so and get a shot. i think this is the treatment:

More discussions about CATS



See: Certificate of Accrual on Treasury Securities (CATS)

Certificate of Accrual on Treasury Securities

A formerly-issued Treasury security whose coupons had been stripped by an intermediary. CATS therefore paid no interest. They were sold at a significant discount from par and matured at par. CATS fluctuated in price, sometimes dramatically, because changes in interest rates made them more or less desirable. CATS could be invested IRAs and other pension accounts; they were also exempt from state and local taxes. They were issued between 1982 and 1986, becoming obsolete when the U.S. Treasury began issuing its own stripped bonds. See also: Zero-Coupon Bonds.

Certificate of Accrual on Treasury Securities (CATS).

CATS are US Treasury zero-coupon bonds that are sold at deep discount to par, or face value. Like other zeros, the interest isn't actually paid during the bond's term but accumulates so that you receive face value at maturity.

You can use CATS in your long-term portfolio to provide money for college tuition or retirement. For example, you may purchase them in a tax-deferred IRA or a tax-free Roth IRA or Coverdell education savings account (ESA).

As with other zeros, CATS prices can be volatile, so you risk losing some of your principal if you sell before maturity. And like other federal government issues, the interest is free of state and local income tax but subject to federal income tax.


CATSCharlotte Area Transit System
CATSCrimes against the State (South Africa)
CATSComputing and Telecommunications Services (various schools)
CATSCareer and Transfer Services (various organizations)
CATSCommonwealth Accountability Testing System (Kentucky)
CATSContent Application and Transaction Smart
CATSComputer Active Technology Suspension
CATSContrast Auto Tracking System
CATSCdma Automated Test System
CATSClockwise Add Counterclockwise Subtract
CATSChicago Area Transportation Study
CATSCross-Application Time Sheet
CATSCredit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (UK)
CATSCalifornians Against Telephone Solicitation
CATSComputer Active Technology Suspension (Jaguar)
CATSCertificates of Accrual on Treasury Securities
CATSCombat Application Tourniquet System (Phil Durango, LLC; US DoD use)
CATSComputing: the Australasian Theory Symposium
CATSCommittee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics (National Research Council)
CATSCorrective Action Tracking System
CATSComputer Assisted Testing Service
CATSCheap Access to Space (Space Frontier Foundation)
CATSCentral Area Transmission System (North Sea Oil; UK sector)
CATSCitizens for an Alternative Tax System
CATSComputer-Assisted Trading System
CATSCombined Arms Training Strategy
CATSConsequences Assessment Tool Set (SAIC)
CATSCanadian American Ticlopidine Study
CATSCivil Affairs Training School (US DoD)
CATSCapital Area Transit System (Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
CATSContrast Auto Tracking System (Panasonic)
CATSCanadian American Transportation Systems
CATSCompensation Activity Tracking System (software)
CATSComputer-Assisted Training System
CATSComputer Assisted Training System
CATSCharlotte Area Transportation System (North Carolina)
CATSContemporary Asian Theatre Scene (San Jose, CA)
CATSCombined Aerial Target Service (UK MoD)
CATSConsolidated Asset Tracking System
CATSChico Area Transit System (California)
CATSCenter for Applied Thermodynamic Studies
CATSCombat Aircrew Tactics Studies (US Air Force)
CATSCascade Accounting & Tax Services (Everett, WA)
CATSCommodore Amiga Technical Support
CATSConcerned About Teen Sexuality
CATSCampus Area Transportation System (University of Vermont)
CATSConcurrency Analysis Tool Suite
CATSContinuous AutoTransfusion System (blood salvage)
CATSComputer Aided Test System
CATSCounsel Automated Tracking System
CATSCommunity Alliance for Teen Safety
CATSCollisions in Atom Traps
CATSCommunity Awareness and Treatment Services, Inc.
CATSCity of Anderson Transportation System (Anderson, IN)
CATSComputer-Aided Training System
CATSCurriculum and Teaching Studies (college department)
CATSCrazy Aged Tyrant Stinks (Kids Next Door show)
CATSCenter for Advanced Television Studies
CATSCut All to Shreds
CATSComputer Automated Test System
CATSChild Abuse Training Services (Michigan)
CATSCommercial Auto Theft Section (police departments)
CATSComputer-Assisted Tracking System
CATSCombined Arms Training Systems
CATSCatalogue Subsystem
CATSCustomer Access Terminal System
CATSCommon Automatic Test System
CATSCentralized Automatic Test System
CATSCargo Analysis Technology Symposium
CATSComputer Aided Time Standards
CATSCaring Adults Teaming for Safety (Estes Park High School, Estes Park, CO)
CATSCost Accounting Tracking System
CATSCarload And Truckload Shipments
CATSCellular Access Telephone System (REDCOM)
CATSCollaborative Application Technology Solutions (Department of State)
CATSCitizens Against Trash in Sumter (Florida, USA)
CATSCoherent Acoustic Torpedo System
CATSComputer Assisted Transportation System
CATSChildren Affected by a Toxic Substance
CATSCableless Telemary System (Expro)
CATSCustomer Activation Tracking System (Sprint)
CATSCoherent Automated Target Simulator
CATSColcom Access Test System
CATSCDMA Automated Test System (WTCOM)
CATSCommon Avionics Test Set
CATSComputer Assistance and Training Services
CATSClub Athletic Training Students
CATSCombat Airlift Training Squadron
CATSComet and Tails Science
CATSCanadian Auxiliary Territorial Services
CATSContained Armament Test Set
CATSCost Analysis Tracking System (Sprint)
CATSComputerized Assets Tracking System
CATSConsortium of Audiographic Teleconferencing Standards
CATSCommon Analysis Tool Set
CATSCorporate Accounts Transition System
CATSCognitive Avionics Toolset
CATSComputer Applications Technical Services
CATSCalamba Airsoft Tactical Squad (Philippines)




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