

单词 dcd
释义 DictionarySeeRDF



(Document Content Description) An XML schema language from Textuality, Microsoft and IBM that is implemented as an RDF vocabulary. It supports data typing and schema reuse and is the successor to XML-Data. See XML schema, RDF and XML.



Abbreviation for:
dark cell degeneration
developmental cognitive disorder
developmental co-ordination disorder (Medspeak-UK)
Diploma in Chest Disease
disorders of cortical development


Abbrev. for Diploma in Chest Diseases.


DCDDivision of Community Development (various organizations)
DCDDevelopmental Coordination Disorder
DCDDirector of Corporate Development (various companies)
DCDDirection de la Coopération pour le Développement (French: Directorate of Development Cooperation)
DCDData Carrier Detect
DCDDisease Control Division (various organizations)
DCDDonation After Cardiac Death (organ donation and transplantation)
DCDDepartment of Community Development
DCDDead Can Dance (band)
DCDDrug Control Department (United Arab Emirates)
DCDDubai Civil Defence (United Arab Emirates)
DCDDisorders of Cortical Development
DCDDevelopment Co-operation Directorate (various organizations)
DCDData Carrier Detected
DCDDrivers Cd
DCDDocument Content Description
DCDDual Core Design
DCDDirect Cd
DCDDead Connection Detection (software)
DCDDocument Content Description (W3C, XML)
DCDData Collection Device (US DoD)
DCDDevelopment Communication Division (India)
DCDDécédé (French: Deceased)
DCDDigital Content Distribution (computing)
DCDDuty Cycle Distortion (ANSI)
DCDDynamic Content Delivery
DCDDeseret Chemical Depot (Tooele, Utah)
DCDDirectorate of Combat Developments (now Concepts and Requirements Directorate)
DCDDiversity Career Day (Virginia)
DCDDisk-Caching Disk
DCDDesign Control Document
DCDDef Con Dos (band)
DCDDavis Cemetery District (Davis, CA)
DCDDFAS Corporate Database
DCDDiploma of Company Direction (UK)
DCDDual Currency Deposit (foreign exchange linked structured deposit)
DCDDownstream Channel Descriptor
DCDDocument Content Definition
DCDData Communications Device (Nortel)
DCDDigital Clock Distributor (Telecom Solutions)
DCDDie Cheerleader Die (band)
DCDDepartment of Career Development
DCDDesign and Construction Division
DCDDefense Corporate Database
DCDDevelopmental Cognitive Disorder
DCDDichotomous Coordinate Descent (algorithm)
DCDDefense Communications Division
DCDDesign Change Document
DCDData Consortium Dictionary
DCDDigital Capture Device
DCDDual Command Decoder
DCDDual Coil Drive
DCDDesired Completion Date
DCDDennis Test of Child Development
DCDDefence Construction Canada
DCDDischarge Control Desk
DCDDAF (Van Doorne's Automobiel Fabriek) Club Deutschland, eV (German car club)
DCDDigital Communications Dispatcher (police)
DCDDesign Control Drawing
DCDDissociated Vertical Divergence
DCDDigital Conference Director
DCDDESCOM Candidate Depot
DCDDependability of Component Design
DCDDriver's Compass Display (device showing heading, waypoint, distance, and steer-to information)
DCDDistributed Change Coverage
DCDDesign Code Designator




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