ACTG 076

ACTG 076

AIDS Clinical Trial Group Study 076. A study that validated the prophylactic use of AZT in HIV-infected pregnant women (HIPW), orally during pregnancy, IV during labor, and subsequently in newborns; decreased by 2⁄3 HIV-positivity in infants, saving 1 in 7 infants born to HIPW. The ACTG 076 protocol became the standard of care for these women.

ACTG 076

AIDS Clinical Trial Group Study 076 AIDS A study that validated the prophylactic use of AZT in HIV-infected pregnant ♀–HIPW, orally during pregnancy, IV during labor, and subsequently to newborns ↓ by23 HIV-positivity in infants, saving 1 in 7 infants born to HIPW; ACTG 076 is the standard of care for these ♀. See AIDS, HIV.