Acronym | Definition |
CRI➣Color Rendering Index |
CRI➣China Radio International |
CRI➣Carpet and Rug Institute |
CRI➣Christian Research Institute (San Juan Capistrano, CA) |
CRI➣Costa Rica (ISO Country code) |
CRI➣Croce Rossa Italiana (Italian Red Cross Federation) |
CRI➣Container Recycling Institute |
CRI➣Certificados de Recebíveis Imobiliários (Spanish: Certificates of Real Estate Receivables; Brazil) |
CRI➣Compte Rendu d'Intervention (French: Intervention Account) |
CRI➣Cray Research, Inc. |
CRI➣Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires (French: Center for Interdisciplinary Research) |
CRI➣Cancer Research Institute |
CRI➣Crown Research Institutes |
CRI➣Children's Research Institute (Washington, DC) |
CRI➣Clinical Research Initiative (various organizations) |
CRI➣Combat Rock Industry |
CRI➣Clinical Research Informatics |
CRI➣Common Rail Injection |
CRI➣Chronic Renal Insufficiency |
CRI➣Composers Recordings, Inc. |
CRI➣Compte de Retraite Immobilisé (French: Account of retirement Immobilized) |
CRI➣Cities Readiness Initiative |
CRI➣Centre Relais Innovation |
CRI➣Coalition for Responsible Investment (various locations) |
CRI➣Cooperative Resources International |
CRI➣Centre de Recherche sur l'Intermedialite (French, University of Quebec, Montreal) |
CRI➣Cuban Research Institute |
CRI➣Chulabhorn Research Institute |
CRI➣Crime Reduction Initiatives (UK) |
CRI➣Community Rowing, Inc. |
CRI➣Central Research Institute (Kasauli, India) |
CRI➣Community Resources for Independence |
CRI➣Cryptography Research Inc. |
CRI➣Canyon Ranch Institute (est. 2002; Tucson, AZ) |
CRI➣Crops Research Institute (Ghana) |
CRI➣Cours de Rattrapage Intégré (French: Integrated Remedial Course) |
CRI➣Creative Research Initiatives (South Korea) |
CRI➣Constant Rate Infusion |
CRI➣Caesarea Rothschild Institute |
CRI➣Cardiovascular Research Institute |
CRI➣Congressional Record Index |
CRI➣Color Rendition Index |
CRI➣Corporate Research International (Ohio) |
CRI➣Computing Research Infrastructure |
CRI➣Community Resource Inventory (various organizations) |
CRI➣Court Reporting Institute |
CRI➣Crooked Island, Bahamas (Airport Code) |
CRI➣Criterion Referenced Instruction |
CRI➣Centre de Recherche en Infectiologie |
CRI➣Communications Resource Inc. |
CRI➣Collectif de Recherche sur l'Itinérance (Universite du Quebec, Canada) |
CRI➣Commission Rogatoire Internationale (France) |
CRI➣Coconut Research Institute (Sri Lanka) |
CRI➣Cotton Research Institute |
CRI➣Computer Resources International |
CRI➣Chechen Republic of Ichkeria |
CRI➣Cambridge Research & Instrumentation, Inc. |
CRI➣Computer Law Review International |
CRI➣Community Renewables Initiative |
CRI➣Centre for the Study of Regulated Industries |
CRI➣Chibagin Research Institute (Japan) |
CRI➣Centrale des Reglements Interbancaires |
CRI➣Civic Research Institute |
CRI➣Cumulative Risk Initiative |
CRI➣Canadian Rivers Institute |
CRI➣CHAMPUS Reform Initiative |
CRI➣Coping Responses Inventory |
CRI➣Cuttings Re-injection (oilfield drilling) |
CRI➣Car Rental Insurance |
CRI➣Commission des Revendications des Indiens (Indian Claims Commission; Government of Canada) |
CRI➣Centre de Rencontres Internationales |
CRI➣Congenital Rubella Infection |
CRI➣Crossroads Rhode Island (emergency services) |
CRI➣Cost Reduction Initiative |
CRI➣Cross Rate Interference (telecommunications) |
CRI➣Sãotomense (SIL code, São Tomé e Principe) |
CRI➣Confidential Reliable Informant (law enforcement/criminal justice) |
CRI➣Computer Related Injury |
CRI➣Cosmo Research Institute (Japan) |
CRI➣Creative Retirement Institute |
CRI➣Containerless Research Inc. |
CRI➣Candidate Resources Inc |
CRI➣Centre de Recherche sur l'Image |
CRI➣Cooper Realty Investments |
CRI➣Cranial Rectal Inversion :-) |
CRI➣Collectif des Rapatries Internautes |
CRI➣Curriculum Reform Institute |
CRI➣Club Rhumatismes et Inflammations |
CRI➣Career Resources Inc. |
CRI➣Clinical Research Investigators |
CRI➣Certified Reports Inc. |
CRI➣Catalina Research, Inc. |
CRI➣Control Resources Inc. |
CRI➣Child-Care Retention Incentive |
CRI➣Cargo Report Information (shipping) |
CRI➣Commonwealth Research Initiative (Virginia Tech) |
CRI➣Color Reproduction Index |
CRI➣Conference of University Rectors in Ireland |
CRI➣Chemtrail-Related Illness |
CRI➣Centre de Robotique Industrielle, Inc. |
CRI➣Customs Report Information |
CRI➣Catering Research Institute |
CRI➣Chippewa River Industries (Chippewa Falls, WI) |
CRI➣Cranial Rectal Insertion :-) |
CRI➣Collaborative Regional Initiative (California) |
CRI➣Cross-Reference Index |
CRI➣Clock Run In (TV signal) |
CRI➣Charitable Registration and Investigation Act |
CRI➣Cycles Research Institute |
CRI➣Chelonian Research Institute |
CRI➣Colour Reversal Intermediate (cinematography) |
CRI➣Collective Routing Indicator |
CRI➣Certification Review Items |
CRI➣Classical Reggae Interviews |
CRI➣Centres de Relais Innovation |
CRI➣Computer Ruggedization and Integration |
CRI➣Centre de Resources Informatiques (Paris, France) |
CRI➣Criminology Research Institute |
CRI➣Contribution Rating Increase (acquisition demonstration projects) |
CRI➣Catholic Religious Instruction (school subject) |
CRI➣Certification Requirements Index |
CRI➣Children's Right International |
CRI➣Corporate Research Institute |
CRI➣Consumer Reference Information |
CRI➣CD Rom Incorporated |
CRI➣Career Research International, Inc. |
CRI➣Centre de Ressources Illettrisme Aquitaine |
CRI➣Critical Review Item |
CRI➣Campus Redevelopment Initiative |
CRI➣Clinical Resources Inc. |
CRI➣Commitment, Reliability, Innovation (Pumps) |
CRI➣Council on Recursive Information |
CRI➣Crisis Recall Insurance |
CRI➣Client Rating Information (insurance) |
CRI➣Certifcate Registration Instruction (US DoD) |
CRI➣Cyprus Realty Inc. |
CRI➣Compton Research, Inc. (Worthington, Ohio) |
CRI➣Code Relations Index |