fat-soluble vitamins

fat-sol·u·ble vi·ta·mins

those vitamins, soluble in fat solvents (that is, nonpolar solvents) and relatively insoluble in water, marked in chemical structure by the presence of large hydrocarbon moieties in the molecule; for example, vitamins A, D, E, K.

fat-sol·u·ble vi·ta·mins

(fat-sol'yū-bĕl vī'tă-minz) Those vitamins, soluble in fat solvents (nonpolar solvents) and relatively insoluble in water, marked in chemical structure by the presence of large hydrocarbon moieties in the molecule (e.g., vitamins A, D, E, K).

Fat-soluble vitamins

Fat-soluble vitamins can be dissolved in oil or in melted fat.Mentioned in: Vitamin B 6 Deficiency

fat-sol·u·ble vi·ta·mins

(fat-sol'yū-bĕl vī'tă-minz) Vitamins, soluble in fat solvents (i.e., nonpolar solvents) and relatively insoluble in water, marked in chemical structure by the presence of large hydrocarbon moieties in the molecule; e.g., vitamins A, D, E, and K.