

单词 dmi
释义 DictionarySeeCIM



Desktop Management Interface


(Desktop Management Interface) The first desktop management standard from the DMTF. Enabling PCs to be monitored from a central console, it was superseded by the DMTF's Common Information Model (see CIM).

The Management Information File (MIF)
When a query is made to a DMI-enabled device, the memory-resident DMI agent sends back data such as model ID, serial number, memory and port addresses in a management information file (MIF). It can also extract data from memory to provide a current status.

Support for SNMP
DMI can co-exist with SNMP. A single machine can serve as a proxy agent to service an entire LAN segment of DMI machines. When SNMP queries arrive, it can transfer the data from the MIF into the SNMP's MIB (management information base). See CIM, SNMP, WBEM and DMTF.

FinancialSeeDirectional Movement Index


DMIDesktop Management Interface
DMIDes Moines, Iowa
DMIDrum Major Institute for Public Policy
DMIDry Matter Intake (milk production)
DMIDecision Making Information
DMIDubai Media Incorporated (Dubai, UAE)
DMIDépartement de Mathématiques et Informatique (French: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science)
DMIDirectional Movement Index (financial charting analysis)
DMIDanmarks Meteorologiske Institut (Danish Meteorological Institute)
DMIDigital Media Initiative (various organizations)
DMIDesign Management Institute
DMIDanish Meteorological Institute (Copenhagen, Denmark)
DMIDairy Management Inc.
DMIDirect Media Interface
DMIDevlet Meteoroloji Isleri (Turkish: State Meteorology Affairs)
DMIDigital Media Interface
DMIDynamic Momentum Index
DMIDepartamento de Medicina Interna (Spanish: Department of Internal Medicine; various locations)
DMIDroit du Multimédia et de l'Informatique (French: Media and Information Technology Law)
DMIDiagnostic Medical Imaging
DMIDeveloping Mathematical Ideas
DMIDirectional Movement Indicator
DMIDispositif Médical Implantable (French: Implantable Medical Device)
DMIDistance Measuring Instrument
DMIDirector Military Intelligence (US DoD)
DMIDirect Meubles International (French: International Furniture Direct)
DMIDriver Machine Interface (rail)
DMIDelayed Memory Index
DMIDevice Management and Installation
DMIDigital Musical Instruments
DMIDanish Maritime Institute
DMIDisaster Mitigation Institute (India)
DMIDocks du Matériel Industriel (French: Docks of Industrial Materials)
DMIDirect Material Input
DMIDepression in the Medically Ill (medical screening)
DMIDavid Malin Images (astronomical photography)
DMIDigital Multiplexed Interface
DMIDisaster Management Institute (India)
DMIDon't Mention It
DMIDépannage Mécanique Industriel (French: Industrial Mechanical Troubleshooting)
DMIDocument Management and Imaging (hospitals)
DMIDesert Medical Imaging
DMIDose Minimale Infectante (French: Low Dose Infection)
DMIDigital Media Institute
DMIDurussel Montage Industriel (French industrial installation company)
DMIDiffusion de Matériel d'Imprimerie (French: Dissemination of Printing Equipment)
DMIDiffusion de Matériel Industriel (French: Dissemination of Industrial Materials)
DMIDefinition of Management Information (X.721/ISO 10165.2)
DMIDépannage Maintenance Immobilière (French: Property Maintenance Troubleshooting)
DMIDirect Memory Interface
DMIDaughters of Mary Immaculate
DMIDolly Madison Industries (furniture; various locations)
DMIDivision of Management Information
DMIDepartment of Medical Informatics
DMIDepartment of Military Instruction (United States Military Academy)
DMIDigital Motorworks Inc.
DMIData Movement Interface (distributed computing)
DMIDigital Media Infrastructure (various locations)
DMIDisplacement Measuring Interferometer
DMIDirect Machine Interface (digital printing industry)
DMIDriving Me Insane
DMIDistributed Management Interface
DMIDansk Militært Idrætsforbund
DMIDeaf Ministries International
DMIDisposable Monthly Income (Bankruptcy law)
DMIDesktop Management Initiative
DMIDisaster Management Interoperability (FEMA)
DMIData Mining Institute
DMIDirect Matrix Inversion
DMIDigital Marketing International
DMIDirect Measurements, Inc.
DMIDepot Maintenance Interservice
DMIDesign and Manufacturing Institute
DMIDistribution Management Inc.
DMIData Mode Idle
DMIDimensional Metals Inc.
DMIDana Mediation Institute, Inc.
DMIDistributed Method Invocation
DMIDimethyl Itaconate
DMIDigital Musicworks International, Inc.
DMIDeferred Maintenance Item (aviation maintenance defect tracking)
DMIDesign-Manufacturing Integration
DMIDry Microburst Index
DMIDot Matrix Indicator
DMIDeaf Match International
DMIDiesel Marine International Limited
DMIDocument Management Institute (Clarity, Inc.)
DMIDisease Management Initiative
DMIDecanter Machine Inc.
DMIDispositif Mobile Interactif
DMIDeployment Mapping Instrument
DMIData Mart Interface
DMIDraft Miscellaneous Work Item
DMIDefense Maintenance Inter-service
DMIDocumentation Management Infrastructure
DMIDuty Marine Inspector
DMIDriving Mode Identifier
DMIDisk Memory Interface
DMIDescriptive Method Identification
DMIDove Mission International
DMIData Management and Intelligence
DMIDimensional Measurement, Inc (Wixom, MI)




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