breech extraction


 [ek-strak´shun] 1. the process or act of pulling or drawing out.2. the preparation of an extract.breech extraction extraction of an infant from the uterus in cases of breech presentation.flap extraction removal of a cataract by making a flap in the cornea.menstrual extraction a form of induced abortion in which a flexible cannula is inserted through an undilated cervix for the purpose of removing the fertilized embryo and endometrium. The cannula is attached to a syringe, which is used to aspirate the uterine contents and induce the onset of the “missed period.” This technique is not always effective, and sometimes a second procedure is required. It should be done within two weeks of a missed menstrual period.serial extraction the selective extraction of primary teeth during an extended period of time to allow autonomous adjustment.tooth extraction forcible removal of a tooth; called also odontectomy.vacuum extraction removal of the uterine contents by application of a vacuum, done either for delivery of a viable fetus or for an abortion.

breech ex·trac·tion

obstetric extraction of a fetus that has presented by the buttocks.