Dryopithecus pattern

Dry·o·pi·the·cus pat·tern

(drī-ō-pith'ĕ-kŭs pat'ĕrn) 1. The ancestral pattern of cusps and grooves in humans. 2. A Y-5 cusp and groove pattern.
See also: cusp and groove pattern
[Dryopithecus, a genus of anthropoid apes of the Miocene epoch]

Dry·o·pi·the·cus pat·tern

(drī-ō-pith'ĕ-kŭs pat'ĕrn) 1. Ancestral pattern of cusps and grooves in humans. 2. A Y-5 cusp and groove. [Dryopithecus, a genus of anthropoid apes of the Miocene epoch]