Acronym | Definition |
FAL➣FRAME (Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments) Alternatives Laboratory |
FAL➣Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (federal research institute for agriculture, Braunschweig, Germany) |
FAL➣Ferrovie Appulo Lucane (Italian railway company) |
FAL➣France Amérique Latine (French: France Latin America; association) |
FAL➣Foothill Athletic League (San Francisco, CA) |
FAL➣Fusil Automatique Leger (Fabrique Nationale Light Automatic Rifle) |
FAL➣Fédération des Associations Laïques (French: Secular Association Federation) |
FAL➣Fédération des Amicales Laïques (French: Lay Fellowship Federation) |
FAL➣Final Assembly Line |
FAL➣Functional Adult Literacy (various locations) |
FAL➣Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (Maritime Law) |
FAL➣Faliscan (linguistics) |
FAL➣First Approach and Landing (US NASA) |
FAL➣Failure Analysis Laboratory (various organizations) |
FAL➣Funds At Lloyd's (insurance) |
FAL➣Frame Alignment Loss |
FAL➣Frequency Allocation List |
FAL➣Fuji Air Line (Japan) |
FAL➣Fault Applicability List (Navy PPP based curriculum development) |
FAL➣Fall About Laughing |
FAL➣Forces Armées de Laos (Lao Armed Forces) |
FAL➣Filter, Air, Carbon/Charcoal |
FAL➣Feature-Assisted Lithography |
FAL➣Functional Area Lead |