

单词 dmd



abbr. Latin Dentariae Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Dental Medicine)


abbreviation for (Pathology) Duchenne muscular dystrophy


Doctor of Dental Medicine. [< New Latin Dentāriae Medicīnae Doctor or Doctor Medicīnae Dentālis]
Noun1.DMD - a doctor's degree in dental medicineDoctor of Dental Medicinedoctorate, doctor's degree - one of the highest earned academic degrees conferred by a university



(1) (Digital Micromirror Device) See DLP.

(2) (Digital Multi-layer Disk) See HD formats.



 Doctor of Dental Medicine.


Abbreviation for Doctor of Dental Medicine; Duchenne muscular dystrophy.


abbr. Latin Dentariae Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Dental Medicine)


A gene on chromosome Xp21.2 that encodes dystrophin, a protein that anchors the extracellular matrix to the cytoskeleton via F-actin. It is the ligand for dystroglycan and a central component of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex, which accumulates at the neuromuscular junction and at various synapses in the peripheral and central nervous systems and has a structural function in stabilising the sarcolemma. It plays a key role in signalling events and synaptic transmission. DMD is a highly complex gene, containing at least eight independent, tissue-specific promoters and two polyA-addition sites; it is the largest gene found in nature (2.4 Mb).
Molecular pathology
Defects of DMD cause both Duchenne- and Becker-type muscular dystrophy.


Abbrev. for Diploma in Dental Medicine.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)

The most severe form of muscular dystrophy, DMD usually affects young boys and causes progressive muscle weakness, usually beginning in the legs.Mentioned in: Muscular Dystrophy


Abbreviation for doctor of dental medicine.


DMDDuchenne Muscular Dystrophy
DMDDoctor of Dental Medicine
DMDDigital Micromirror Device (Texas Instruments)
DMDDisability Mentoring Day
DMDDisaster Management Department (various organizations)
DMDDante Must Die
DMDDeputy Medical Director (various organizations)
DMDDirect Metal Deposition (manufacturing technology)
DMDDystrophie Musculaire de Duchenne (French: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy)
DMDDifferential Mode Delay
DMDData and Music Drive
DMDDigital Music Download
DMDDigital Multilayer Disk
DMDDigital Micromirror Device
DMDDélégation Militaire Départementale (French: Military Departmental Delegation)
DMDDielectric Metal Dielectric (heat reflector)
DMDDiscrete Molecular Dynamics (chemical physics)
DMDDirectory Management Domain
DMDDrug Metabolism and Disposition
DMDDisease Modifying Drug
DMDDigital Mirror Device
DMDDifferential Mode Delay (multimode optical fiber)
DMDDevelopment Management Document (UK)
DMDDeputy Managing Director (International Monetary Fund)
DMDDigital Media Division (various organizations)
DMDDelta Mu Delta (Honor Society in Business Administration)
DMDDot Matrix Display
DMDDesmethyldiazepam (drug)
DMDDoctor of Medical Dentistry
DMDDeformable Mirror Device
DMDDidier Morain Distribution (French pet supply company)
DMDDance My Dunce
DMDDystonia Musculorum Deformans
DMDDigital Mars D Compiler
DMDDiet Mountain Dew (PepsiCo)
DMDData Monitor and Display
DMDData Management Division
DMDDiscontinuous Molecular Dynamics
DMDDiscover Mongolia & Development (travel agency)
DMDDigital Music Distributor
DMDDistance Measuring Device
DMDDifferential Metabolic Display
DMDDigital Multilayer Disc
DMDDigital Message Device
DMDDynamic Mobile Data
DMDDoctorants en Mathématiques à Dijon (French: Doctoral Students in Mathematics in Dijon; Dijon, France)
DMDDelta Marketing Dynamics
DMDDomestic Manufacturing Deduction (US Taxes)
DMDDifferential Modulation Diversity
DMDDomain Management Device
DMDDepartment of Mission and Development
DMDDance Monkey, Dance (Internet slang)
DMDDental/Medical Diagnostic Systems, Inc. (former stock symbol; now delisted)
DMDData Mapping Document
DMDDentariae Medicinae Doctoris (Doctor of Dental Medicine)
DMDDelivery Mode Detail (Canada Post)
DMDDual Mode Display
DMDDeployment Manning Document
DMDData Message Device
DMDDigital Map Display
DMDDubai Municipality Datum
DMDData Measurement Device
DMDDuty Mission Director
DMDDowntown Management Districts
DMDDevices Management Directorate
DMDDual Multiplexer Demultiplexer
DMDDispersion Management Devices (Lasercomm)
DMDDivision of Medical Device (National Institute of Health Sciences; Japan)
DMDDiphenyl-Methane Diisocyanate


  • noun

Synonyms for DMD

noun a doctor's degree in dental medicine


  • Doctor of Dental Medicine

Related Words

  • doctorate
  • doctor's degree




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