

单词 dmb
释义 DictionarySeedab



(organic chemistry) hydroquinone dimethyl ether


(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) The first mobile TV service. Developed in South Korea and introduced in 2005, DMB uses satellite transmission (S-DMB) and terrestrial towers (T-DMB). DMB has also been deployed in several European countries, including Germany, France and Norway. DMB is based on the international digital audio broadcasting standard (DAB), and DMB devices can receive DAB broadcasts (see DAB). See DTMB and mobile TV.


DMBDave Matthews Band
DMBDigital Multimedia Broadcasting
DMBDemineralized Bone Matrix
DMBDynamic Multipoint Bridging
DMBDigital Multimedia Broadcast
DMBData Management Block
DMBDigital Mega Bass
DMBDel McCoury Band
DMBDaMarcus Beasley (American soccer player)
DMBDatum Marker Buoy (US DoD)
DMBDomain Master Browser (Microsoft)
DMBData Management Biomédical (French: Biomedical Data Management)
DMBDeutscher Museumsbund (Association of German Museums)
DMBDHTML Menu Builder
DMBDebt Management Banking (UK)
DMBDead Man's Blood (fiction)
DMBDepartmental Management Board
DMBDevine, Millimet & Branch (attorneys at law)
DMBDigital Media Boost
DMBDaily Maximum Benefit (insurance)
DMBDelaware Memorial Bridge (also abbreviated DelMemBr)
DMBDentsu Mcgarry Bowen (advertising; New York, NY)
DMBDrahtseilbahn Marzili - Stadt Bern (Marzili - City of Bern Funicular Railway, Switzerland)
DMBDoDIIS Management Board
DMBDowntown Management Board
DMBDecatur Municipal Band (Decatur, IL)
DMBDirect Mobile Billing
DMBData Management Board
DMBDeutscher Mieterbund eV (German tenant association)
DMBDigitale Musikbibliothek (German: Digital Music Library)
DMBDisposition Medical Board
DMBDivisional Management Board (UK)
DMBDiversified Media Brokerage
DMBDeutscher Mittelstands-Bund eV
DMBDragefjellets Musikkorps Bergen
DMBDeutscher Marinebund eV (German Navy Association)




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