

单词 dbs



abbr. direct broadcast satellite


abbreviation for 1. (Broadcasting) direct broadcasting by satellite 2. (Telecommunications) direct broadcasting satellite



(Direct Broadcast Satellite) A one-way TV broadcast service from a communications satellite to a small round or oval dish antenna no larger than 20" in diameter. Using a highly compressed digital signal in the 11-15 GHz Ku-band, DBS offers TV to every household, as long as there is line of sight from the satellite to the dish. Prior to DBS, costly equipment and very large antennas were required. Tuning into the stations was complicated because content was available on multiple satellites. See parabolic antenna.

DirecTV and USSB
Although DBS service existed in other countries, the first DBS in the U.S. was launched in 1994 by Hughes Electronics (DirecTV) and Hubbard Broadcasting (USSB). DirecTV and USSB used the digital satellite system (DSS) standard with equipment made by RCA and other manufacturers.

PrimeStar and EchoStar
Soon after, PrimeStar introduced a DBS service that included installation of its own equipment that was leased with the content. In 1995, EchoStar launched its first satellite and offered service as the Digital Sky Highway (DISH) network. In 2008, EchoStar was spun off from DISH as a separate entity offering receivers, DVRs and other satellite TV equipment.

USSB and Primestar Became DirecTV
In the late 1990s, Hughes acquired USSB and Primestar, merging both services into DirecTV. In 2015, DirecTV was acquired by AT&T.




 [stim″u-la´shun] the act or process of stimulating; the condition of being stimulated; see also promotion and enhancement.cognitive stimulation in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of awareness and comprehension of surroundings by utilization of planned stimuli.cutaneous stimulation in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as stimulation of the skin and underlying tissues for the purpose of decreasing undesirable signs and symptoms such as pain, muscle spasm, or inflammation.deep brain stimulation (DBS) patient-controlled, continuous, high-frequency electrical stimulation of a specific area of the brain by means of an implanted electrode, which is controlled by a battery implanted just below the clavicle. The electrical signals block those signals from the brain causing tremors and some other related problems such as occur in Parkinson's disease, tremor" >essential tremor, and dystonia.stimulation/nurturance in the omaha system, activities that promote healthy physical and emotional development.transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (transcutaneous neural stimulation) see transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.


Abbreviation for:
deep brain stimulation
Demographics Batch Service, see there (Medspeak-UK)
Diamond-Blackfan syndrome
double-blind study


DBSDragon Ball Super (anime)
DBSDeep Brain Stimulation
DBSDirect Broadcast Satellite
DBSDisclosure and Barring Service (UK)
DBSDatabase System
DBSDeath by Stereo (band)
DBSDublin Business School (Dublin, Ireland)
DBSData Base Solutions (various locations)
DBSDon't Be Sad
DBSDoing Business Survey
DBSDevelopment Bank of Singapore
DBSDataset Book Keeping System
DBSData Base in Sql Format
DBSData Base String
DBSDemand Broadcast System
DBSData Base Service
DBSDynamic Bass System
DBSDual Bridge System
DBSDemand Based Switching
DBSDell Business Support
DBSData Base System
DBSDurham Business School (UK)
DBSDepartment of Basic Science (various locations)
DBSDatabase Service
DBSDefense Business System
DBSDried Blood Spot (blood testing)
DBSDanske Baptisters Spejderkorps (Danish: Danish Baptist Scout)
DBSDeep Blue Sea (movie)
DBSDivision of Biological Sciences
DBSDichroic Beam Splitter (physics)
DBSDigital Broadcast Satellite
DBSDean Burgon Society (Collingswood, NJ)
DBSDivision of Building Safety
DBSDivision of Blind Services
DBSDeutscher Bildungs-Server (Germany)
DBSData Base Server
DBSDon't Be Stupid
DBSDirect Broadcast System
DBSDon't Be Silly
DBSDynamic Balance System (golf instruction)
DBSDirect Broadcasting by Satellite
DBSDigital Broadcast System
DBSDiffuse Brain Swelling
DBSDon't Be Shy
DBSDetroit Blues Society (est.1985; Detroit, MI)
DBSDrive By Shooting
DBSDiocesan Boys' School (Hong Kong)
DBSDiminished Breath Sounds
DBSDistribution Business Services Ltd. (UK)
DBSDoncaster Bloodstock Sales
DBSDépôt Bennes Services (French waste collection company)
DBSDisciple Bible Study
DBSDatabase Specification
DBSDominion Bureau of Statistics (now Statistics Canada)
DBSDemographic and Behavioral Sciences (branch of NICHD)
DBSDuplex Bus Selector
DBSDestiny Bass Shufflers
DBSDistressed British Seaman (UK)
DBSDiversified Business Services
DBSDealer Business System (supply chain management)
DBSDirt Bike Supply (UK)
DBSDenver Business Series (Colorado)
DBSDen Beste Sykkel
DBSDistributed Base Station
DBSDouble Barreled Shotgun
DBSDos Boot Sectors
DBSDental Business Solutions
DBSDivision of Biomedical Sciences
DBSDesign-Build Selector
DBSDays Before Seeding
DBSDoppler Broadening Spectroscopy
DBSDistinctive Business Systems
DBSDirect Beam Steering (Polatis)
DBSDirect Booking Service
DBSDoctor of Biblical Studies
DBSDriven by Sound (car audio enthusiasts club)
DBSDigital Bible Society
DBSDirect Broadcast Sounder
DBSDesign by Silverside (UK webdesign company)
DBSDaily Balancing Service
DBSDutch Broadcasting Service
DBSDynamic Backbone Subnet
DBSDivision Battle Simulation
DBSDismounted Battle Space
DBSDisk Braking System (roller skating)
DBSDamn Bloody Stupid
DBSDual-Band Stub
DBSDefinite Bad Sign
DBSDallas Business Systems
DBSDurban Bulk Shipping (South Africa)
DBSDirty Book Store
DBSDoctor of Buddhist Studies
DBSDeterministic Balance Search
DBSDisk-Based Survey
DBSDoppler Beam Sampling
DBSDistributed Briefing System
DBSDistracted by Shadows
DBSDigitalBoxShop Ltd
DBSDoppler Beam Sharpener
DBSDritt Bak Setet
DBSDeath by Sheep (gaming clan)




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