Citrus Nematode

Citrus Nematode


(Tylenchulus semipenetrans), a parasitic worm of the class Nematoda. The female measures 0.4–0.5 mm in length, and the male 0.3–0.4 mm. The citrus nematode infests the root system of citrus and certain other plants, including grape and olive. It feeds on the cortex of the root, retarding growth and often killing the plant. The citrus nematode is distributed in citrus-growing regions throughout the world. Control measures include planting only healthy plants in noninfested soil, conscientious care of plantings, application of organic fertilizers (which help activate the natural enemies of the citrus nematode in the soil), and treatment of plants with nematocides.


Kir’ianova, E. S., and E. L. Krall’. Paraziticheskie nematody rastenii i mery bor’by s nimi, vol. 2. Leningrad, 1971.