Acronym | Definition |
DBO➣Department of Business Oversight |
DBO➣Database Owner |
DBO➣Director of Business Operations (various organizations) |
DBO➣Design, Build, Operate |
DBO➣Data Base Object |
DBO➣Dli Backout Table |
DBO➣Design Build and Operate |
DBO➣Dragon Ball Online (gaming) |
DBO➣Demanda Bioquímica de Oxígeno (Spanish) |
DBO➣Demande Biologique en Oxygène (French: Biochemical Oxygen Demand) |
DBO➣Defined Benefit Obligation |
DBO➣Database Operation |
DBO➣Database Operator |
DBO➣DogsBite.Org (dog bite victims' group; Austin, TX) |
DBO➣Department of Banking Operations (various locations) |
DBO➣Disability Buy-Out (insurance) |
DBO➣Drinking Banning Order (UK) |
DBO➣Département de Biologie des Organismes (French: Department of Biology of Organisms; various locations) |
DBO➣Détergent Bactericide Odorant (French cleaning product) |
DBO➣Death Benefit Option (insurance) |
DBO➣De Bonneville-Orlandini (French design studio) |
DBO➣Dynamic Binary Optimizer |
DBO➣Direct Buyer Only (real estate) |
DBO➣Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia - Dubbo (Airport Code) |
DBO➣Daniel Braconnier Organisation (France) |
DBO➣Dead Balls On (construction slang) |
DBO➣Dead Blackout (theatre lighting) |
DBO➣Daulat Beg Oldi (airfield in India) |
DBO➣Deutsche Bank Offshore |
DBO➣Dead Body Outline |
DBO➣Data Base Objects |
DBO➣Days Billing Outstanding |
DBO➣Dollar Buy Out |
DBO➣Dead Ball Out |
DBO➣Data Backup Operation |
DBO➣Drilling and Blasting Operations |
DBO➣Don't Bert Out |
DBO➣Direct by Owner |
DBO➣Da Bungalow Online (Dick and Dom in Da Bungalow TV show website) |
DBO➣Damage by Others |
DBO➣Domain Bar Optimization |