Acronym | Definition |
DHI➣Dizziness Handicap Inventory (scale) |
DHI➣Deutschen Historischen Instituts (German: German Historical Institute) |
DHI➣Door and Hardware Institute |
DHI➣Division of Health Improvement (New Mexico) |
DHI➣Dairy Herd Improvement |
DHI➣Danish Hydraulic Institute |
DHI➣Duruöz Hand Index (rheumatology) |
DHI➣Deaf and Hearing Impaired |
DHI➣Direct Hydrocarbon Indicator |
DHI➣Department of Heavy Industry (India) |
DHI➣Diversity Health Institute (consortium; Australia) |
DHI➣Deaf History International (Gallaudet University) |
DHI➣Down Hole Interface (Oil and Gas) |
DHI➣Department of Homeland Insecurity |
DHI➣Dynamic Hyperinflation (lung disease) |
DHI➣Direct Hygiène Industrie (French: Direct Hygeine Industry) |
DHI➣Dakar Heure Instrument (French: Dakar Time Instrument; Sénégal) |
DHI➣Defense Hydrographic Initiative |
DHI➣Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co., Ltd (South Korea) |
DHI➣Daewoo Heavy Industries & Machinery Inc |
DHI➣Deck High |
DHI➣Design Horizons International (Vero Beach, FL) |
DHI➣Dual Handset Installment (mobile phone contract) |