Crescent Beach State Park

Crescent Beach State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Maine
Location:8 miles south of Portland on ME 77 in Cape Elizabeth.
Facilities:Picnic areas, playground, trails, snack bar, beach, bathhouse (coldwater showers), unpaved shallow boat launch, restrooms (é). Open Memorial Day-ColumbusDay (park is closed to vehicles in winter, but visitors can hike or skithe trails then).
Activities:Swimming, fishing, hiking, wildlife viewing, bird watching, cross-country skiing.
Special Features:Park's signature feature is a mile-long crescent-shaped beach. Thebeach and dunes provide nesting areas for endangered piping plovers andresting and feeding areas for other shorebirds. The diverse habitatsalso support a host of wildlife.
Address:66 Two Lights Rd
Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107

Size: 244 acres.

See other parks in Maine.