categoric trait

cat·e·gor·i·c trait

in genetics, a feature that can conveniently and effectively be analyzed by sorting into classes either because there is no satisfactory way of measuring it (as with blood groups) or because it falls into natural classes so that the variation among classes far exceeds that within classes (for example, the phenotypic effects of many enzyme polymorphisms); existence of categories suggests but does not prove the operation of a major, simple, underlying cause. Synonym(s): qualitative trait

cat·e·gor·i·c trait

(kat'ĕ-gōr'ik trāt) genetics A feature that can conveniently and effectively be analyzed by sorting into classes either because there is no satisfactory way of measuring it or because it falls into natural classes so that the variation among classes far exceeds that within classes; existence of categories suggests but does not prove the operation of a major, simple, underlying cause.