Acronym | Definition |
DBG➣Darbhanga (railway station; India) |
DBG➣Deck Building Game |
DBG➣Desert Botanical Garden (Phoenix, AZ) |
DBG➣Debugging |
DBG➣Digital Business Group |
DBG➣Direkte Bundessteuer (Federal Direct Tax Law; Switzerland) |
DBG➣Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (German: German Soil Science Society) |
DBG➣Digital Brand Group (California) |
DBG➣DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) Based Game |
DBG➣Database Generation (US DoD) |
DBG➣Domestic Brokerage Group (insurance) |
DBG➣Di Benedetto Giuseppe (est. 1998; France) |
DBG➣De Beytia Gestion (French real estate agency) |
DBG➣Dubai Banking Group (United Arab Emirates) |
DBG➣Dallah al-Baraka Group |
DBG➣Dubourgeal Bourgeaux Guillermin (French accounting company) |
DBG➣D-Bosses Grêle (French car company) |
DBG➣Dupraz Bus Genève (Switzerland) |
DBG➣Diversified Business Group |
DBG➣Digital Boundary Group (Dallas, TX and London, Ontario, Canada) |
DBG➣Don't Be Gay |
DBG➣Data Bus Group |
DBG➣Dunedin Botanic Garden (New Zealand) |
DBG➣Distance Between Guides (engineering and construction) |
DBG➣Dirty Boat Guy (gaming clan) |