Acronym | Definition |
DBF➣Database (file name extension) |
DBF➣Divorced Black Female (personal ads) |
DBF➣Délégation des Barreaux de France (French: Delegation of the Bars of France; law association) |
DBF➣Danmarks Badminton Forbund (Denmark) |
DBF➣Digital Beam-Forming |
DBF➣Dragon Boat Festival (festival; various locations) |
DBF➣Double Byte Font |
DBF➣Digital Beam Forming |
DBF➣Data Base File |
DBF➣Data Base Format |
DBF➣Destroyed by Fire |
DBF➣DBase and FoxPro (software) |
DBF➣Dispute Board Federation |
DBF➣Diocesan Board of Finance (UK) |
DBF➣Design/Build/Fly (college aircraft competition; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) |
DBF➣Decibel (referenced to 1 femtowatt) |
DBF➣Division of Bond Finance |
DBF➣Destockage Bruce Field (French clothing company) |
DBF➣Defined Benefit Fund (various organizations) |
DBF➣Deep Blues Festival |
DBF➣Dedicated Biotechnology Firm |
DBF➣Dallas Bar Foundation (Dallas, TX) |
DBF➣Diesel Boats Forever |
DBF➣Densified Biomass Fuel |
DBF➣Distributed Bellman-Ford (routing scheme) |
DBF➣Denis Bassez Fermetures (French: Denis Bassez Closures) |
DBF➣Dynamic Beam Forming |
DBF➣Dear Boy Friend |
DBF➣Design Basis Fire(s) |
DBF➣Dibenzofulvene (chemistry) |
DBF➣Design Basis Fault |
DBF➣Drude-Born-Federov (form of constitutive equations) |
DBF➣Danish Beekeepers Federation |
DBF➣Douglas B Foote Ltd (Mairangi Bay, Auckland, New Zealand) |