Fedoskino Miniature

Fedoskino Miniature


a variety of Russian folk miniature painting on lacquered articles, such as decorative boxes, including snuffboxes, usually made of papier-mâché. The factory was founded in 1798 by P. I. Korobov in the village of Danilkovo (Moscow Province), which later merged with the neighboring village of Fedoskino. In the late 19th century ownership of the factory passed to P. V. Lukutin. The “Lukutin” master craftsmen created an original school of miniature painting distinguished by elegant design and bright, decorative color.

In Fedoskino miniatures, oil paints are applied onto mother-of-pearl or gold or silver leaf, patches of which are left unpainted and integrated into the design. Other devices include the use of inlaid work and ornamentation with delicate tartan and tortoise-shell patterns. Favorite subjects in the 19th century were troika rides, tea drinking, Russian dances, and copies of well-known portraits and other paintings.

The Fedoskino Art School, established in 1931, has carried on the best realistic traditions of the “Lukutin lacquers.” The Fedoskino craftsmen create decorative compositions on modern themes, such as scenes of kolkhoz life, views of Moscow, portraits, still-lifes, and landscapes. Master craftsmen include V. I. Ivanov-Lavrov, A. A. Kruglikov, V. D. Lipitskii, M. K. Pape-nov, M. G. Pashinin, N. P. Petrov, I. S. Semenov, I. I. Strakhov, and M. S. Chizhov.


Vasilenko, V. M., and M. Artamonov. Fedoskino. Moscow-Leningrad, 1935.
Ialovenko, G. V. Fedoskino. Moscow, 1959.
Griaznov, A. I. Fedoskinskie talanty. Moscow, 1970.