Fedor Milkov

Mil’kov, Fedor Nikolaevich


Born Feb. 17, 1918, in the village of Dorovaia, in present-day Vokhma Raion, Kostroma Oblast. Soviet physical geographer, doctor of geographical sciences (1949), and professor (1949). Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1970).

Mil’kov graduated from the Moscow Oblast Pedagogical Institute in 1938. In 1946 he became head of the subdepartment of geography at the Orenburg Pedagogical Institute and in 1950 head of the subdepartment of physical geography at the University of Voronezh. His principal works concern problems of physiographic (landscape) science, physical geographic regionalization, and the physical geography of the USSR. Mil’kov substantiated the interpretation of the physiographic region (geographic landscape) as a general concept and identified types of provinces as structural units of physical geographic regions. In 1966 he was awarded the P. P. Semenov (Tian-shanskii) Gold Medal.


Lesostep’ Russkoi ravniny. Moscow, 1950.
Vozdeistvie rel’efa na rastitel’nost’ i zhivotnyi mir. Moscow, 1953.
Fiziko-geograficheskii raion i ego soderzhanie. Moscow, 1956.
Landshaftnaia geografiia i voprosy praktiki. Moscow, 1966.
Osnovnye p’oblemy fizicheskoi geografii. [2nd ed.] Moscow, 1967.
Fizicheskaia geografiia SSSR, [3rd ed.], vol. 1. Moscow, 1969. (With N. A. Gvozdetskii.)
Landshaftnaia sfera Zemli. Moscow, 1970.
Slovar’-spravochnik po fizicheskoi geografii, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1970.
Chelovek i landshafty: Ocherki antropogennogo landshaftovedeniia. Moscow, 1973.