Fedor Lytkin
Lytkin, Fedor Matveevich
Born Aug. 2, 1897; died November 1918. Active participant in the struggle for Soviet power in Siberia. Member of the Communist Party from 1917. Born to the family of a peasant in Irkutsk Province.
Lytkin joined the RSDLP as a student at the University of Tomsk and worked as a propagandist. After the establishment of Soviet power in Tomsk (early December 1917) he was commissar for press affairs of the soviet and a member of its executive committee. At the Second All-Siberian Congress of Soviets (Irkutsk, February 1918) he was elected a member of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of Soviets of Siberia (Tsentrosibir’) and appointed people’s commissar of the Soviet administration of Siberia. In May and June 1918 he was one of the leaders in the struggle against the counterrevolutionary rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps. After the temporary fall of Soviet power in Irkutsk, he went into the taiga along with other members of Tsentrosibir’. He was caught by White bandits and died in the region of Olekminsk (Yakutia).