dry drowning

dry drown·ing

drowning by asphyxiation in an individual whose laryngeal reflexes are brisk, resulting in spasm that prevents inhalation of water; may be associated with the highest recovery rate.
A phenomenon seen in 90% of resuscitated drowning victims, in whom aspirated water is minimal, presumably due to reflex laryngospasm with airway obstruction and asphyxia; a rapid return of spontaneous ventilation is typical, if CPR is begun early and the period of anoxia is brief

dry drowning

A phenomenon seen in 90% of resuscitated drowning victims, in whom aspirated water is minimal, presumably due to reflex laryngospasm with airway obstruction and asphyxia; a rapid return of spontaneous ventilation is typical, if CPR is begun early and period of anoxia brief. See Drowning. Cf Wet drowning.