DGVDeutschen Golf Verbandes (German: German Golf Association)
DGVDoppler Global Velocimetry
DGVDatabase of Genomic Variants
DGVDomaine des Gardiens de la Vallée (French: Area of the Guardians of the Valley)
DGVDessin a Grande Vitesse (French: High Speed Design)
DGVDépannage Grande Vitesse (French: High Speed Troubleshooting)
DGVDirty Green Vinyl (band)
DGVDuteil Guillon Verne (France)
DGVDauphin a Grande Vitesse (French: High Speed Dauphin; helicopters)
DGVDiemer Gymnastiek Vereniging (Dutch: Diemer Gymnastics Association)
DGVDavid Girard Vineyards (Placerville, CA)
DGVDireção Geral de Viação