cremasteric artery

crem·as·ter·ic ar·ter·y

[TA] origin, inferior epigastric; distribution, coverings of spermatic cord; anastomoses, external pudendal, testicular, and perineal arteria. Synonym(s): arteria cremasterica [TA], external spermatic artery

crem·as·ter·ic ar·te·ry

(krem'as-ter'ik ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Origin, inferior epigastric; distribution, coverings of spermatic cord; anastomoses, external pudendal, spermatic, and perineal arteries.
Synonym(s): arteria cremasterica [TA] .

cremasteric artery

A branch of the inferior epigastric artery. In the male, it runs with and supplies blood to the spermatic cord; in the female, it runs with the round ligament. See also: artery