

 [sis″ter-nog´rah-fe] radiography of the basal cistern of the brain after subarachnoid injection of a contrast medium.


(sis'tern-og'ră-fē), The radiographic study of the basal cisterns of the brain after the subarachnoid introduction of an opaque or other contrast medium, or a radiopharmaceutical with a suitable detector. [cisterna + G. graphō, to write]


(sis'tĕrn-og'ră-fē) The radiographic study of the basal cisterns of the brain after the subarachnoid introduction of an opaque contrast medium, or a radiopharmaceutical with a suitable detector. [cisterna + G. graphō, to write]


An obsolescent imaging technique used to investigate pituitary gland tumours. An X-ray contrast medium is injected into the cerebrospinal fluid by passing a needle in between the upper bone of the spine and the under side of the skull.