释义 |
erotophobia (ɪˌrɒtəʊˈfəʊbɪə) n (Psychoanalysis) an abnormal fear of sexualityerotophobiaan abnormal fear of sexual feelings and their physical expression.See also: SexTranslationserotophobia
erotophobia[ə‚räd·ə′fō·bē·ə] (psychology) An abnormal fear of love. erotophobia
erotophobia [ĕ-rot″o-fo´be-ah] fear of love, especially of sexual feelings and activity.er·o·to·pho·bi·a (er'ō-tō-fō'bē-ă), Morbid aversion to the thought of sexual love and to its physical expression. [G. erōs, love, + phobos, fear] er·o·to·pho·bi·a (ĕ-rot'ŏ-fō'bē-ă) Morbid aversion to the thought of sexual love and to its physical expression. [G. erōs, love, + phobos, fear] |