Acronym | Definition |
DGR➣Deep Geologic Repository (nuclear waste) |
DGR➣Deductible Gift Recipient (Australian tax exemption) |
DGR➣Dividend Growth Rate |
DGR➣Dangerous Goods Regulations |
DGR➣Dirección General de Rentas (Spanish: General Revenue Directorate; Argentina) |
DGR➣Director General's Requirements (Australia) |
DGR➣Director of Government Relations (various locations) |
DGR➣Delibera Giunta Regionale (Italy) |
DGR➣Duodenogastric Reflux (medical condition) |
DGR➣Dangerous Game Rifle |
DGR➣Directorate General Resettlement (India) |
DGR➣Designated Government Representative |
DGR➣Digroup |
DGR➣Daily Going Rate |
DGR➣Dead Guy Running (video game term) |
DGR➣Dynamic Growth and Reconfiguration |
DGR➣Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company |
DGR➣Division of Geothermal Research |
DGR➣Devil's Gulch Route (Estes Park, CO postal route) |
DGR➣Department of Geographic Research (University of Chicago) |