Acronym | Definition |
DGP➣Director General of Police (India) |
DGP➣Dirección General de Profesiones (Spanish: General Directorate of Professions; Mexico) |
DGP➣Dog-Gone-Pain |
DGP➣Dissimilar Gateway Protocol |
DGP➣Debt Guarantee Program (US FDIC) |
DGP➣Deutsche Gesellschaft für Parodontologie |
DGP➣Data Generating Process |
DGP➣Department of Geology and Paleontology (various locations) |
DGP➣Delta Gamma Phi (sorority) |
DGP➣Diagnostic Génétique Pré-Implantation (French: Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis) |
DGP➣Data Gathering Panel |
DGP➣Daily Grammar Practice (education) |
DGP➣Délais Globaux de Paiement (French: Global Payment Deadline) |
DGP➣Senior Defense Group on Proliferation (NATO) |
DGP➣Deferred Gratification Pattern (sociology) |
DGP➣Deepsouthwest Geocaching Project |
DGP➣Dynamic Geohistory Plot (energy exploration) |
DGP➣Droit & Gestion de Patrimoine (French: Law & Asset Management) |
DGP➣Digitaler Grossprint |
DGP➣Domestic Gross Product |
DGP➣Double Glazing Panel (window design) |
DGP➣District Government Pleader |
DGP➣David Gianios Photographe (French photography firm) |
DGP➣Duty Group Position |