

单词 dry



D0403700 (drī)adj. dri·er (drī′ər), dri·est (drī′ĭst) or dry·er or dry·est 1. Free from liquid or moisture: changed to dry clothes.2. a. Having or characterized by little or no rain: a dry climate.b. Marked by the absence of natural or normal moisture: a dry month.3. a. Not under water: dry land.b. Having all the water or liquid drained away, evaporated, or exhausted: a dry river.4. a. No longer yielding liquid, especially milk: a dry cow.b. Not producing a liquid substance that is normally produced: dry heaves.c. Not shedding tears: dry sobs.d. Needing moisture or drink: a dry mouth.5. No longer wet: The paint is dry.6. Of or relating to solid rather than liquid substances or commodities: dry weight.7. Not sweet as a result of the decomposition of sugar during fermentation. Used of wines.8. Having a large proportion of strong liquor to other ingredients: a dry martini.9. Eaten or served without butter, gravy, or other garnish: dry toast; dry meat.10. Having no adornment or coloration; plain: the dry facts.11. Devoid of bias or personal concern: presented a dry critique.12. a. Lacking tenderness, warmth, or involvement; severe: The actor gave a dry reading of the lines.b. Matter-of-fact or indifferent in manner: rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical tone.13. Wearisome; dull: a dry lecture filled with trivial details.14. Humorous in an understated or unemotional way: dry wit.15. Prohibiting or opposed to the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages: a dry county.16. Unproductive of the expected results: a mind dry of new ideas.17. Constructed without mortar or cement: dry masonry.v. dried (drīd), dry·ing, dries (drīz) v.tr.1. To remove the moisture from; make dry: laundry dried by the sun.2. To preserve (meat or other foods, for example) by extracting the moisture.v.intr. To become dry: The sheets dried quickly in the sun.n. pl. drys Informal A prohibitionist.Phrasal Verbs: dry out Informal To undergo a cure for alcoholism. dry up1. To make or become unproductive, especially to do so gradually.2. Informal To stop talking. Used especially in the imperative.
[Middle English drie, from Old English drȳge.]
dry′ly, dri′ly adv.dry′ness n.Synonyms: dry, dehydrate, desiccate, parch
These verbs mean to remove the moisture from: drying the dishes; added water to eggs that were dehydrated; a factory where coconut meat is shredded and desiccated; land parched by the sun. See Also Synonyms at sour.Antonym: moisten


(draɪ) adj, drier, driest, dryer or dryest1. lacking moisture; not damp or wet2. (Physical Geography) having little or no rainfall3. not in or under water: dry land. 4. having the water drained away or evaporated: a dry river. 5. (Zoology) not providing milk: a dry cow. 6. (of the eyes) free from tears7. a. informal in need of a drink; thirstyb. causing thirst: dry work. 8. (Cookery) eaten without butter, jam, etc: dry toast. 9. (Brewing) (of a wine, cider, etc) not sweet10. (Pathology) pathol not accompanied by or producing a mucous or watery discharge: a dry cough. 11. consisting of solid as opposed to liquid substances or commodities12. without adornment; plain: dry facts. 13. lacking interest or stimulation: a dry book. 14. lacking warmth or emotion; cold: a dry greeting. 15. (of wit or humour) shrewd and keen in an impersonal, sarcastic, or laconic way16. opposed to or prohibiting the sale of alcoholic liquor for human consumption: a dry area. 17. (Agriculture) NZ (of a ewe) without a lamb after the mating season18. (Electrical Engineering) electronics (of a soldered electrical joint) imperfect because the solder has not adhered to the metal, thus reducing conductancevb, dries, drying or dried19. (when: intr, often foll by off) to make or become dry or free from moisture20. (Cookery) (tr) to preserve (meat, vegetables, fruit, etc) by removing the moisturen, pl drys or dries21. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) informal Brit a Conservative politician who is considered to be a hard-liner. Compare wet1022. (Physical Geography) the dry informal Austral the dry season23. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) US and Canadian an informal word for prohibitionist[Old English drӯge; related to Old High German truckan, Old Norse draugr dry wood] ˈdryable adj ˈdryness n



adj. dri•er, dri•est, adj. 1. free from moisture or excess moisture; not moist; not wet. 2. having or characterized by little or no rain: the dry season. 3. characterized by absence, deficiency, or failure of natural or ordinary moisture. 4. not under, in, or on water: to be on dry land. 5. not now containing or yielding water or other liquid; depleted or empty of liquid: The well is dry. 6. not yielding milk: a dry cow. 7. free from tears: dry eyes. 8. drained or evaporated away: a dry river. 9. desiring drink; thirsty. 10. causing thirst: dry work. 11. served or eaten without butter, jam, etc.: dry toast. 12. (of bread, rolls, etc.) stale. 13. of or pertaining to nonliquid substances or commodities: dry measure; dry provisions. 14. dehydrated. 15. (esp. of wines) not sweet. 16. (of a cocktail) made with dry vermouth, esp. a relatively small amount. 17. characterized by or favoring prohibition of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors for use in beverages: a dry state. 18. free from the use of alcoholic drink; sober. 19. plain; bald; unadorned: dry facts. 20. dull; uninteresting: a dry subject. 21. expressed in a straight-faced, matter-of-fact way: dry humor. 22. indifferent; cold; unemotional: a dry answer. 23. unproductive: The greatest of artists have dry years. 24. (of lumber) fully seasoned. 25. a. (of masonry construction) built without fresh mortar or cement. b. (of a wall, ceiling, etc., in an interior) finished without the use of fresh plaster. v.t. 26. to make dry; free from moisture: to dry the dishes. v.i. 27. to become dry; lose moisture. 28. dry out, to undergo detoxification after drug or alcohol abuse. 29. dry up, a. to cease to exist; evaporate. b. Informal. to stop talking. c. (in acting) to forget one's lines or part. n. 30. a prohibitionist. 31. a dry area. [before 900; Middle English; Old English drȳge; akin to Middle Dutch drōghe, Old High German trockan; compare drought] dry′a•ble, adj. dry′ly, adv. dry′ness, n. syn: dry, arid both mean without moisture. dry is the general word indicating absence of water or freedom from moisture, which may be favorable or unfavorable: a dry well; a dry bath towel. arid suggests intense dryness in a region or climate, resulting in bareness or in barrenness: arid tracts of desert.


Past participle: dried
Gerund: drying
I dry
you dry
he/she/it dries
we dry
you dry
they dry
I dried
you dried
he/she/it dried
we dried
you dried
they dried
Present Continuous
I am drying
you are drying
he/she/it is drying
we are drying
you are drying
they are drying
Present Perfect
I have dried
you have dried
he/she/it has dried
we have dried
you have dried
they have dried
Past Continuous
I was drying
you were drying
he/she/it was drying
we were drying
you were drying
they were drying
Past Perfect
I had dried
you had dried
he/she/it had dried
we had dried
you had dried
they had dried
I will dry
you will dry
he/she/it will dry
we will dry
you will dry
they will dry
Future Perfect
I will have dried
you will have dried
he/she/it will have dried
we will have dried
you will have dried
they will have dried
Future Continuous
I will be drying
you will be drying
he/she/it will be drying
we will be drying
you will be drying
they will be drying
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been drying
you have been drying
he/she/it has been drying
we have been drying
you have been drying
they have been drying
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been drying
you will have been drying
he/she/it will have been drying
we will have been drying
you will have been drying
they will have been drying
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been drying
you had been drying
he/she/it had been drying
we had been drying
you had been drying
they had been drying
I would dry
you would dry
he/she/it would dry
we would dry
you would dry
they would dry
Past Conditional
I would have dried
you would have dried
he/she/it would have dried
we would have dried
you would have dried
they would have dried


Used to distinguish measures of dry (solid) volume as opposed to liquid (fluid) volume.
Noun1.dry - a reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beveragesprohibitionistcrusader, meliorist, reformer, reformist, social reformer - a disputant who advocates reform
Verb1.dry - remove the moisture from and make dry; "dry clothes"; "dry hair"dry outalter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"dry up, exsiccate, dehydrate, desiccate - lose water or moisture; "In the desert, you get dehydrated very quickly"dehydrate, desiccate - remove water from; "All this exercise and sweating has dehydrated me"spin-dry - dry (clothes) by spinning and making use of centrifugal forcestumble dry - dry by spinning with hot air inside a cylinder; "These fabrics are delicate and cannot be tumbled dry"spray-dry - dry by bringing into the form of a spray, through contact with a hot gasdehumidify - make less humid; "The air conditioner dehumidifies the air in the summer"parch, sear - cause to wither or parch from exposure to heat; "The sun parched the earth"rough-dry - dry without smoothing or ironing; "rough-dry the laundry"blow-dry - dry hair with a hair dryerdrip-dry - dry by hanging up wetair - expose to warm or heated air, so as to dry; "Air linen"wet - cause to become wet; "Wet your face"
2.dry - become dry or drier; "The laundry dries in the sun"dry outchange - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"scorch - become scorched or singed under intense heat or dry conditions; "The exposed tree scorched in the hot sun"run dry, dry out - become empty of water; "The river runs dry in the summer"
Adj.1.dry - free from liquid or moisture; lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water; or no longer wet; "dry land"; "dry clothes"; "a dry climate"; "dry splintery boards"; "a dry river bed"; "the paint is dry"wet - covered or soaked with a liquid such as water; "a wet bathing suit"; "wet sidewalks"; "wet weather"
2.dry - humorously sarcastic or mocking; "dry humor"; "an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely"; "an ironic novel"; "an ironical smile"; "with a wry Scottish wit"ironic, wry, ironicalhumorous, humourous - full of or characterized by humor; "humorous stories"; "humorous cartoons"; "in a humorous vein"
3.dry - lacking moisture or volatile components; "dry paint"wet - containing moisture or volatile components; "wet paint"
4.dry - opposed to or prohibiting the production and sale of alcoholic beverages; "the dry vote led by preachers and bootleggers"; "a dry state"wet - supporting or permitting the legal production and sale of alcoholic beverages; "a wet candidate running on a wet platform"; "a wet county"
5.dry - not producing milk; "a dry cow"lactating, wet - producing or secreting milk; "a wet nurse"; "a wet cow"; "lactating cows"
6.dry - (of liquor) having a low residual sugar content because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation; "a dry white burgundy"; "a dry Bordeaux"nonsweet, sugarless - not containing sugarsour - having a sharp biting tastesweet - (used of wines) having a high residual sugar content; "sweet dessert wines"
7.dry - without a mucous or watery discharge; "a dry cough"; "that rare thing in the wintertime; a small child with a dry nose"phlegmy - characterized by phlegm; "a phlegmy discharge"
8.dry - not shedding tears; "dry sobs"; "with dry eyes"dry-eyed, tearless - free from tears
9.dry - lacking interest or stimulation; dull and lifeless; "a dry book"; "a dry lecture filled with trivial details"; "dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to...life"- John Mason Brownjuicelessunexciting, unstimulating - not stimulating
10.dry - used of solid substances in contrast with liquid ones; "dry weight"solid - of definite shape and volume; firm; neither liquid nor gaseous; "ice is water in the solid state"
11.dry - unproductive especially of the expected results; "a dry run"; "a mind dry of new ideas"unproductive - not producing or capable of producing; "elimination of high-cost or unproductive industries"
12.dry - having no adornment or coloration; "dry facts"; "rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical manner"plain - not elaborate or elaborated; simple; "plain food"; "stuck to the plain facts"; "a plain blue suit"; "a plain rectangular brick building"
13.dry - (of food) eaten without a spread or sauce or other garnish; "dry toast"; "dry meat"plain - not elaborate or elaborated; simple; "plain food"; "stuck to the plain facts"; "a plain blue suit"; "a plain rectangular brick building"
14.dry - having a large proportion of strong liquor; "a very dry martini is almost straight gin"alcoholic - characteristic of or containing alcohol; "alcoholic drinks"
15.dry - lacking warmth or emotional involvement; "a dry greeting"; "a dry reading of the lines"; "a dry critique"unemotional - unsusceptible to or destitute of or showing no emotion
16.dry - practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages; "he's been dry for ten years"; "no thank you; I happen to be teetotal"teetotalsober - not affected by a chemical substance (especially alcohol)


adjective1. dehydrated, dried-up, baked, arid, scorched, torrid, parched, desiccated, bone dry, waterless, rainless, juiceless, sapless, moistureless a hard, dry desert landscape
dehydrated wet, damp, moist, humid
2. dried, crisp, withered, brittle, shrivelled, crispy, parched, desiccated, sun-baked She heard the rustle of dry leaves.3. thirsty, dehydrated, parched, dying of thirst, gasping, longing for a drink She was suddenly dry.4. alcohol-free, teetotal, abstinent, clean, on the wagon (informal), prohibitionist, non-drinking Gujerat is a dry state.5. sarcastic, cutting, sharp, keen, cynical, low-key, sly, sardonic, deadpan, droll, ironical, quietly humorous He is renowned for his dry wit.6. unemotional, cool, impassive, cold, phlegmatic, unfeeling, undemonstrative, unexcitable The solicitor's dry voice7. dull, boring, tedious, commonplace, dreary, tiresome, monotonous, run-of-the-mill, humdrum, unimaginative, uninteresting, mind-numbing, ho-hum (informal) The work was very dry and dull
dull interesting, entertaining, lively
8. plain, simple, bare, basic, pure, stark, unembellished an infuriating list of dry facts and dates9. dried out, old, hard, stale, dehydrated, overcooked, past its best The meat was dry, shrunk on the bone
verb1. drain, make dry, remove the water from, wipe, dab dry, rub dry Wash and dry the lettuce.2. (often with out) dehydrate, make dry, desiccate, bake, sear, parch, dehumidify, remove the moisture from They bought a machine to dry the wood and cut costs.
dehydrate wet, moisten
dry out become sober, give up drinking, give up alcohol, go on the wagon, become teetotal, overcome alcoholism He checked into hospital to dry out.dry up or out1. become dry, harden, wither, mummify, shrivel up, wizen The pollen dries up and becomes hard.2. dwindle, decline, disappear, run out, diminish, decrease, lessen, wane, subside, ebb, die out, fade away, peter out, taper off Credit from foreign banks is drying up.


adjective1. Having little or no liquid or moisture:anhydrous, arid, bone-dry, moistureless, sere, waterless.2. Having little or no precipitation:arid, droughty, rainless, thirsty.3. Disagreeable to the sense of hearing:grating, harsh, hoarse, jarring, rasping, raspy, raucous, rough, scratchy, squawky, strident.4. Needing or desiring drink:parched, thirsty.Archaic: athirst.5. Having a taste characteristic of that produced by acids:acerb, acerbic, acetous, acid, acidulous, sour, tangy, tart.6. Without addition, decoration, or qualification:bald, bare, plain, simple, unadorned, unvarnished.7. With little or no emotion or expression:impassive, matter-of-fact, unemotional.8. Lacking liveliness, charm, or surprise:arid, aseptic, colorless, drab, dull, earthbound, flat, flavorless, lackluster, lifeless, lusterless, matter-of-fact, pedestrian, prosaic, spiritless, sterile, stodgy, unimaginative, uninspired.9. Arousing no interest or curiosity:boring, drear, dreary, dull, humdrum, irksome, monotonous, stuffy, tedious, tiresome, uninteresting, weariful, wearisome, weary.verb1. To make or become free of moisture.Also used with out:dehydrate, desiccate, exsiccate, parch.2. To make or become physically hard:cake, concrete, congeal, harden, indurate, petrify, set, solidify.phrasal verb
dry up1. To make or become no longer fresh or shapely because of loss of moisture:mummify, sear, shrivel, wither, wizen.2. To make or become no longer active or productive:deplete, desiccate, give out, play out, run out.


(drai) adjective1. having little, or no, moisture, sap, rain etc. The ground is very dry; The leaves are dry and withered; I need to find dry socks for the children. 乾的,乾燥的 干燥的2. uninteresting and not lively. a very dry book. 枯燥乏味的 枯燥乏味的3. (of humour or manner) quiet, restrained. a dry wit. 一本正經的 正经的4. (of wine) not sweet. (酒等)不甜的 (酒等)不甜的 verbpast tense, past participle dried to (cause to) become dry. I prefer drying dishes to washing them; The clothes dried quickly in the sun. 使乾燥 使干燥dried adjective (of food) having had moisture removed for the purpose of preservation. dried flowers; dried fruit. 乾燥過的(花朵、食品) 弄干了的ˈdrier, ˈdryer noun a machine etc that dries. a spin-drier; a hair-dryer. 烘乾機,吹風機 干燥器,吹风机 ˈdrily, ˈdryly adverb in a quiet, restrained (and humorous) manner. He commented drily on the untidiness of the room. 一本正經地 枯躁无味地ˈdryness nounˌdry-ˈclean verb to clean (clothes etc) with chemicals, not with water. 乾洗 干洗dry land the land as opposed to the sea etc. 陸地 陆地dry off to make or become completely dry. She climbed out of the swimming-pool and dried off in the sun. 使完全變乾 使完全变干dry up1. to lose water; to cease running etc completely. All the rivers dried up in the heat. 使乾涸,乾涸 使干涸2. to become used up. Supplies of bandages have dried up. 用盡 用完3. to make dry. The sun dried up the puddles in the road. 使乾掉 使变干4. (of a speaker) to forget what he is going to say. He dried up in the middle of his speech. 突然語塞 讲不出话来


干燥zhCN, 干燥的zhCN
  • Is there somewhere to dry clothes? → 哪儿能烘干衣服吗?
  • I have dry hair → 我的头发很干燥
  • A dry sherry, please → 要一杯全干雪利酒



1. mod. sober; no longer alcohol intoxicated. How long will Ernie stay dry, do you think? 2. n. a prohibitionist; an abstainer from alcohol. The drys are in an increasing majority. 3. mod. having to do with a region where alcoholic beverages cannot be purchased. (Compare this with wet.) Some small towns are dry, but not many.
  • (as) dry as a bone
  • (as) dry as dust
  • (as) exciting as watching paint dry
  • a dry run
  • be as dry as a bone
  • be bone dry
  • be home and dry
  • be hung out to dry
  • be like watching paint dry
  • bleed (someone or something) dry
  • bleed (someone) white
  • bleed somebody dry/white
  • bleed someone dry
  • bleed someone white
  • bleed white
  • bone dry
  • come up dry
  • dry
  • dry (one's) eyes
  • dry as a bone
  • dry as dust
  • dry beg
  • dry behind the ears
  • dry off
  • dry out
  • dry powder
  • dry rot
  • dry run
  • dry spell
  • dry up
  • Dry up!
  • dry-as-dust
  • dry-gulch
  • dry-gulch (one)
  • exciting as watching paint dry
  • hang (one) out to dry
  • hang out to dry
  • hang somebody out to dry
  • hang someone out to dry
  • hardly dry behind the ears
  • high and dry
  • home and dry
  • hung out to dry, to be
  • keep (one's) powder dry
  • keep one's powder dry
  • keep powder dry
  • keep your powder dry
  • leave (one) high and dry
  • leave high and dry
  • leave someone high and dry
  • like watching paint dry
  • milk (someone or something) dry
  • milk it/something dry, to
  • milk/suck somebody/something dry
  • not a dry eye in the house
  • not dry behind the ears
  • put your faith in God, and keep your powder dry
  • put your faith in God, but keep your powder dry
  • put your trust in God, and keep your powder dry
  • put your trust in God, but keep your powder dry
  • run dry
  • squeeze (one) dry
  • squeeze somebody dry
  • suck (one) dry
  • suck (someone or something) dry
  • suck someone dry
  • the well has run dry
  • there wasn't a dry eye in the house
  • trust in God and keep your powder dry
  • trust in God, but keep your powder dry
  • watching paint dry
  • well's run dry, the
  • wet behind the ears
  • wet behind the ears, (still)
  • You never miss the water till the well runs dry



1. having little or no rainfall 2. not providing milk 3. (of a wine, cider, etc.) not sweet 4. Pathol not accompanied by or producing a mucous or watery discharge 5. Electronics (of a soldered electrical joint) imperfect because the solder has not adhered to the metal, thus reducing conductance 6. Brit informal a Conservative politician who is considered to be a hard-liner 7. the dry Austral informal the dry season 8. US and Canadian an informal word for prohibitionist


[drī] (science and technology) Free from or deficient in moisture.


i. When referring to aircraft hire charges, it means “without fuel,” as opposed to wet, with fuel.
ii. When referring to a power setting or output, it means without the use of an afterburner or water injection.
iii. In relation to a runway, it means a runway that is neither wet nor contaminated. This includes a paved runway that has been specially prepared with grooves or a porous pavement to retain effectively dry-braking even when moisture is present.



(drī) 1. Containing little or no moisture; not wet.2. A colloquial term for dehydrated.

Patient discussion about dry

Q. What Causes Dry Eyes? I have been suffering from eye dryness lately, what causes this situation?A. Dry eyes are often caused when the lacrimal gland does not produce sufficient tears to keep the entire conjunctiva and cornea, that are normally covered by a complete layer of tear film. This usually occurs in people who are otherwise healthy. Increased age is associated with decreased tearing. if it causes you real discomfort talk to a doctor.

Q. what can i do about dry eyes? A. i suggest treating it symptomatically with visine in the meantime

Q. My contact lenses get very dry and it hurts. any suggestions? A. Dry contact may signal they should be replaced with new ones, and pain may result from damage to the lenses (e.g. torn lens- VERY VERY hurts). However, as much as I would like to help you, it's just impossible to give you the correct diagnosis over the net without even looking at your eyes. So if you feel any problems with your eyes, ophthalmologist (eye doctor would be the answer).
Meanwhile, you may read more here:http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/eyewear.html

More discussions about dry


DRY. Used figuratively, it signifies that which produces nothing; as, dry exchange; dry rent; rent seek.


DRYDon't Repeat Yourself (extreme programming)
DRYDesign Reference Year (climate data users manual)
DRYDefensive Rushing Yards (football)
DRYDispute Resolution and Youth (Ohio State University)
DRYDependent, Responding, Y Axis (graphing variables)


  • all
  • adj
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for dry

adj dehydrated


  • dehydrated
  • dried-up
  • baked
  • arid
  • scorched
  • torrid
  • parched
  • desiccated
  • bone dry
  • waterless
  • rainless
  • juiceless
  • sapless
  • moistureless


  • wet
  • damp
  • moist
  • humid

adj dried


  • dried
  • crisp
  • withered
  • brittle
  • shrivelled
  • crispy
  • parched
  • desiccated
  • sun-baked

adj thirsty


  • thirsty
  • dehydrated
  • parched
  • dying of thirst
  • gasping
  • longing for a drink

adj alcohol-free


  • alcohol-free
  • teetotal
  • abstinent
  • clean
  • on the wagon
  • prohibitionist
  • non-drinking

adj sarcastic


  • sarcastic
  • cutting
  • sharp
  • keen
  • cynical
  • low-key
  • sly
  • sardonic
  • deadpan
  • droll
  • ironical
  • quietly humorous

adj unemotional


  • unemotional
  • cool
  • impassive
  • cold
  • phlegmatic
  • unfeeling
  • undemonstrative
  • unexcitable

adj dull


  • dull
  • boring
  • tedious
  • commonplace
  • dreary
  • tiresome
  • monotonous
  • run-of-the-mill
  • humdrum
  • unimaginative
  • uninteresting
  • mind-numbing
  • ho-hum


  • interesting
  • entertaining
  • lively

adj plain


  • plain
  • simple
  • bare
  • basic
  • pure
  • stark
  • unembellished

adj dried out


  • dried out
  • old
  • hard
  • stale
  • dehydrated
  • overcooked
  • past its best

verb drain


  • drain
  • make dry
  • remove the water from
  • wipe
  • dab dry
  • rub dry

verb dehydrate


  • dehydrate
  • make dry
  • desiccate
  • bake
  • sear
  • parch
  • dehumidify
  • remove the moisture from


  • wet
  • moisten

phrase dry out


  • become sober
  • give up drinking
  • give up alcohol
  • go on the wagon
  • become teetotal
  • overcome alcoholism

phrase dry up or out: become dry


  • become dry
  • harden
  • wither
  • mummify
  • shrivel up
  • wizen

phrase dry up or out: dwindle


  • dwindle
  • decline
  • disappear
  • run out
  • diminish
  • decrease
  • lessen
  • wane
  • subside
  • ebb
  • die out
  • fade away
  • peter out
  • taper off

Synonyms for dry

adj having little or no liquid or moisture


  • anhydrous
  • arid
  • bone-dry
  • moistureless
  • sere
  • waterless

adj having little or no precipitation


  • arid
  • droughty
  • rainless
  • thirsty

adj disagreeable to the sense of hearing


  • grating
  • harsh
  • hoarse
  • jarring
  • rasping
  • raspy
  • raucous
  • rough
  • scratchy
  • squawky
  • strident

adj needing or desiring drink


  • parched
  • thirsty
  • athirst

adj having a taste characteristic of that produced by acids


  • acerb
  • acerbic
  • acetous
  • acid
  • acidulous
  • sour
  • tangy
  • tart

adj without addition, decoration, or qualification


  • bald
  • bare
  • plain
  • simple
  • unadorned
  • unvarnished

adj with little or no emotion or expression


  • impassive
  • matter-of-fact
  • unemotional

adj lacking liveliness, charm, or surprise


  • arid
  • aseptic
  • colorless
  • drab
  • dull
  • earthbound
  • flat
  • flavorless
  • lackluster
  • lifeless
  • lusterless
  • matter-of-fact
  • pedestrian
  • prosaic
  • spiritless
  • sterile
  • stodgy
  • unimaginative
  • uninspired

adj arousing no interest or curiosity


  • boring
  • drear
  • dreary
  • dull
  • humdrum
  • irksome
  • monotonous
  • stuffy
  • tedious
  • tiresome
  • uninteresting
  • weariful
  • wearisome
  • weary

verb to make or become free of moisture


  • dehydrate
  • desiccate
  • exsiccate
  • parch

verb to make or become physically hard


  • cake
  • concrete
  • congeal
  • harden
  • indurate
  • petrify
  • set
  • solidify

phrase dry up: to make or become no longer fresh or shapely because of loss of moisture


  • mummify
  • sear
  • shrivel
  • wither
  • wizen

phrase dry up: to make or become no longer active or productive


  • deplete
  • desiccate
  • give out
  • play out
  • run out

Synonyms for dry

noun a reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beverages


  • prohibitionist

Related Words

  • crusader
  • meliorist
  • reformer
  • reformist
  • social reformer

verb remove the moisture from and make dry


  • dry out

Related Words

  • alter
  • change
  • modify
  • dry up
  • exsiccate
  • dehydrate
  • desiccate
  • spin-dry
  • tumble dry
  • spray-dry
  • dehumidify
  • parch
  • sear
  • rough-dry
  • blow-dry
  • drip-dry
  • air


  • wet

verb become dry or drier


  • dry out

Related Words

  • change
  • scorch
  • run dry
  • dry out

adj free from liquid or moisture


  • wet

adj humorously sarcastic or mocking


  • ironic
  • wry
  • ironical

Related Words

  • humorous
  • humourous

adj lacking moisture or volatile components


  • wet

adj opposed to or prohibiting the production and sale of alcoholic beverages


  • wet

adj not producing milk


  • lactating
  • wet

adj (of liquor) having a low residual sugar content because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation

Related Words

  • nonsweet
  • sugarless
  • sour


  • sweet

adj without a mucous or watery discharge


  • phlegmy

adj not shedding tears

Related Words

  • dry-eyed
  • tearless

adj lacking interest or stimulation


  • juiceless

Related Words

  • unexciting
  • unstimulating

adj used of solid substances in contrast with liquid ones

Related Words

  • solid

adj unproductive especially of the expected results

Related Words

  • unproductive

adj having no adornment or coloration

Related Words

  • plain

adj (of food) eaten without a spread or sauce or other garnish

Related Words

  • plain

adj having a large proportion of strong liquor

Related Words

  • alcoholic

adj lacking warmth or emotional involvement

Related Words

  • unemotional

adj practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages


  • teetotal

Related Words

  • sober




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