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Day sight EncyclopediaSeeNyctalopiaday sight
nyc·ta·lo·pi·a (nik-tă-lō'pē-ă), Decreased ability to see in reduced illumination. Seen in patients with impaired rod function; often associated with a deficiency of vitamin A. Synonym(s): day sight, night blindness, nocturnal amblyopia, nyctanopia [nyct- + G. alaos, obscure, + ōps, eye] sightS08-860660 (sit) [AS. sihth] 1. The power or faculty of seeing.2. Range of sight.3. A thing or view seen. Synonym: vision; visual perceptionblind sightThe ability to see that occurs in persons who are blind because of a brain lesion rather than damage to the eye. It is manifested by their being able to reach for and track an object. These individuals apparently do not know they can see. day sightNight blindness.far sightHyperopia.near sightMyopia.night sightDay blindness.old sightPresbyopia.second sightSenopia.LegalSeeSightThesaurusSeenyctalopia |