Day of Reconciliation

Reconciliation, Day of

December 16The South African legal holiday known as the Day of Reconciliation was established on December 16, 1838, in commemoration of the victory of the Voortrekkers over Dingane (also spelled Dingaan) and the Zulus. It was formerly called Day of the Covenant. The "covenant" it refers to is the vow that Andries Pretorius (1798-1853) and the Voortrekkers made with God as they prepared for the Battle of Blood River: that if they were victorious, the day would be observed as a Sabbath and a church would be built in gratitude.
The original name for this holiday was Dingaan's Day . Then it was called Day of the Vow during apartheid. After South Africa renounced apartheid and held its first democratic election in 1994, the day remained a legal holiday but acquired a new name to reflect its new focus—promoting national unity and healing.
South African Government Online
Information Centre
Private Bag X745
Pretoria, 0001 South Africa
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Old Mutual Bldg., 9th Fl.
106 Adderley St.
Cape Town, 8001 South Africa
27-21-424-5161; fax: 27-21-424-5225
AnnivHol-2000, p. 209
DictDays-1988, p. 28