Brazi Oil-Chemical Complex
Brazi Oil-Chemical Complex
an industrial complex in Rumania, including the oil refinery in Brazi and the oil-chemical combine in Ploeşti.
The first plants of the oil refinery began operating in 1959. By 1968 its capacity increased by three times. Almost one-fourth of the oil extracted in the country (more than 3 million tons per year) is processed here. There are plants for catalytic reforming (with a capacity of 1 million tons of gasoline a year), the extraction and separation of aromatic hydrocarbons, and the absorption and fraction]ng of casinghead gas. The refinery produces automobile gasoline with a high octane number (not less than 92), high quality diesel oil, and liquefied gases for petrochemical industries and for everyday needs. Gases and petroleum products obtained at the oil refinery are used in the oil-chemical combine.
The construction of the complex was completed with the technical assistance of the USSR and other countries.