释义 |
echogenic echogenic [ek″o-jen´ik] in ultrasonography, giving rise to reflections (echoes) of ultrasound waves.ech·o·gen·ic (ek'ō-jen'ik), Pertaining to a structure or medium (for example, tissue) that has internal echoes. Cf. hypoechoic, hyperechoic, and anechoic, which refer, respectively, to paucity, abundance, and absence of echoes displayed in the image of a structure.ech·o·gen·ic (ek'ō-jen'ik) Pertaining to a structure or medium (e.g., tissue) that is capable of producing echoes. Contrast with the terms hypoechoic, hyperechoic, and anechoic, which refer to the paucity, abundance, and absence of echoes displayed on the image. |