

单词 binge eating

binge eating

binge eating

n. Consumption of large amounts of food in a short period of time, especially as a symptom of bulimia.

binge eating


 [ēt´ing] the act of ingestion.binge eating uncontrolled ingestion of large quantities of food in a given amount of time, often with a sense of lack of control over the activity. It is sometimes followed by purging.eating disorder any in a group of disorders in which abnormal feeding habits are associated with psychological factors. Characteristics may include a distorted attitude toward eating, handling and hoarding food in unusual ways, loss of body weight, nutritional deficiencies, dental erosion, electrolyte imbalances, and denial of extreme thinness. More common conditions include anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Persons with eating disorders of this kind characteristically misperceive themselves as either overweight or of normal weight. Eating disorders have reached epidemic proportions throughout the world, especially among women under the age of 25. The condition is seen only in countries in which food is readily available; it is not found in parts of the world where famine and starvation threaten.Patient Care. Treatment of eating disorders usually is on an outpatient basis unless severe malnutrition and electrolyte imbalances demand aggressive therapy, severe depression and suicidal tendencies endanger the patient, or there is evidence that the patient cannot cope with daily living without resorting to abnormal eating patterns and purging. Additionally, the family and home environment may be creating unbearable tension because of a power struggle over the patient's abnormal eating pattern.ƒ
Although there are various modes of therapy for eating disorders, the goals of care are to help the patient (1) normalize eating behaviors, (2) develop a more realistic perception of his or her body and its need for food, (3) learn more healthful and effective adaptive coping mechanisms, (4) learn more about the issues and conflicts underlying the eating disorder, (5) utilize support systems more effectively, and (6) improve his or her sense of self-worth and self-esteem.
Nursing diagnostic categories that are commonly associated with eating disorders include alteration in nutrition, alteration in bowel elimination (constipation), ineffective family coping, self-care deficit (feeding), disturbance in self-concept, sexual dysfunction, spiritual distress, and role disturbance.
A holistic approach to correction of abnormal eating patterns requires an interdisciplinary approach and the cooperative and coordinated efforts of physicians, nurses, social workers, physical therapists, dietitians, and mental health workers.

binge eating

n. Consumption of large amounts of food in a short period of time, especially as a symptom of bulimia.

Binge eating

A pattern of eating marked by episodes of rapid consumption of large amounts of food; usually food that is high in calories.Mentioned in: Anorexia Nervosa

Patient discussion about binge eating

Q. BINGE DRINKING can binge drinking cause death?A. Yes. Excessive immediate alcohol consumption (i.e. drinking a lot of alcohol during a short time) can lead to a coma and death. Moreover, even smaller amounts may cause death indirectly through risk taking (i.e. RECKLESS) behavior such as driving while drinking, fights etc.

Q. i tend to binge on food and i love nuts!does it pose any health danger if you eat too much of it? i just love spanish peanut and a mixture of cashew,almond & macademia.i eat a lot of it everyday.A. Binge eating is not very healthy, because you tend to eat a lot of everything without even realizing it, and usually it is not all healthy food. About nuts, peanuts, etc. these contain very high amount of fat, and therefore a 100 grams of nuts is equal to 100 grams of oil! They have about 750 calories per 100 grams in them. No doubt they are healthy and the fat in them is saturated (rich in "good" cholesterol), however eating a lot of it will make you gain weight! You should eat about 6-7 nuts a day and that would be enough, because I assume you consume fat in other ways too (oil in cooking, etc.).

Q. I think I am a Bipolar.Help me to diagnose my bipolar disorder. Hi, I am Andrew 14. I think I am a Bipolar, I have really bad phases of depression inc. Self harm bulimia and suicidal thoughts as well as phases of hyper activity and huge screaming rows . Can anybody help me to diagnose my bipolar disorder?A. Thank you for sharing Andrew,
A self diagnosis will not be of any help to you. If you believe you may be suffering with bipolar disorder it is time to make an appointment to see your doctor and ask for a referral to a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist will be able to properly diagnose you and get the proper treatements started. I would look into councelling as well. It helps to combine the medications with theropy, both individual and treatement. I wish you all the best.

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