Fort Owen State Park

Fort Owen State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Montana
Location:25 miles south of Missoula on US 93 at Stevensville Junction, then 0.5 miles east on Secondary 269.
Facilities:Interpretive displays, picnic table, vault toilets.
Special Features:Built of adobe and logs, Fort Owen preserves the first permanent whitesettlement in Montana. Major John Owen established the fort as aregional trade center in 1850, and period furnishings and artifacts aredisplayed in the restored rooms of the east barracks. Fort is also thesite of the first Catholic Church in Montana, founded in 1841 by FatherDeSmet.
Address:3201 Spurgin Rd
Missoula, MT 59804

Size: 2 acres. Elevation: 3,284 feet.

See other parks in Montana.