Fort O'Brien State Historic Site
Fort O'Brien State Historic Site
Location:5 miles from Machias on Route 92.
Facilities:Historic structures; picnic tables. Open Memorial Day-Labor Day.
Special Features:Fort was built in 1775 and destroyed by the British in the same year.It was refortified in 1777 and destroyed once again by the British in1814. Well-preserved earthworks which overlook Machias Bay were erectedfor a battery of guns in 1863. The first naval engagement of theRevolution was fought offshore in 1775, five days before the battle atBunker Hill. Fort is one of a few in Maine that were active duringthree wars.
Address:c/o Bureau of Parks & Lands
106 Hogan Rd
Bangor, ME 04401
Size: 2 acres.
See other parks in Maine.