Avdeevo Site

Avdeevo Site


a late Paleolithic site near the village of Avdeevo, 40 km from Kursk.

The Avdeevo site was explored by M. V. Voevodskii during 1946–48 and A. N. Rogachev in 1949. The excavations yielded an oval settlement with peripheral dugouts and an inventory including flint arrowheads; plates; cutting, scraping, digging, and polishing implements; bone adzes; awls; and ornaments. Statuettes of women and a figurine of a mammoth were also unearthed. In all cultural particulars the Avdeevo site is very close to the Kostenki 1 site in its upper stratum.


Voevodskii, M. V. “Novaia paleoliticheskaia stoianka na r. Seim.” Biulleten’ Komissii po izucheniiu chetvertichnogo perioda, 1949, no. 14.
Beregovaiia, N. A. “Paleoliticheskie mestonakhozhdeniia SSSR.” In Materialy i issledovaniia po arkheologii SSSR, no. 81. Moscow-Leningrad, 1960. (With bibliography.)