Acronym | Definition |
FFS➣Fee-For-Service |
FFS➣Fitness for Service (engineering) |
FFS➣Fast File System |
FFS➣Farmer Field School |
FFS➣Form Fill Seal (packaging) |
FFS➣Flash File System (method of making flash memory appear as a disk drive) |
FFS➣Fédération Française de Ski (French) |
FFS➣Fire Fighting System |
FFS➣Family Fun Stuff (gaming) |
FFS➣Ferrovie Federali Svizzere (Swiss Railway) |
FFS➣Failure-Free Survival (oncology) |
FFS➣Future Funk Squad |
FFS➣Florida Forest Service (Tallahassee, FL) |
FFS➣Final Fight: Streetwise (gaming) |
FFS➣Fringe-Field Switching (Hyundai Electronics) |
FFS➣Full Flight Simulator |
FFS➣Fédération Française de Spéléologie (French: French Federation of Speleology) |
FFS➣Fast Filling System |
FFS➣Free Form Surface |
FFS➣Fold Flat System |
FFS➣Fast File Splitter |
FFS➣Flip Flops |
FFS➣Fallback Fault Tolerant Server |
FFS➣Full Flight Simulation |
FFS➣Free for Shipping |
FFS➣Fixed File System |
FFS➣Flash File System |
FFS➣Federated File System |
FFS➣First Fit Scheduler |
FFS➣Fat File System |
FFS➣Facial Feminization Surgery |
FFS➣Front des Forces Socialistes |
FFS➣Focused Feasibility Study |
FFS➣Forum for Free Speech |
FFS➣For Further Study |
FFS➣Fédération Française de Surf (French) |
FFS➣Federal Financial System |
FFS➣Freedom from Smoking (American Lung Association; smoking cessation) |
FFS➣Flash Flood Statement |
FFS➣Free Fall Sensor (hard disk drives) |
FFS➣Federal Financial System (a software product) |
FFS➣Flood Forecasting System |
FFS➣Friends for Sale (Facebook application) |
FFS➣Fight for Sight (est. 1946) |
FFS➣Free-Form Surface (optics) |
FFS➣Fertility and Family Surveys |
FFS➣Future Flight Support (Saudi Arabia) |
FFS➣Fly Fishing School |
FFS➣Federal Forest Service (Russia) |
FFS➣Federal Funds Sold |
FFS➣Fall from Standing (injury) |
FFS➣Fund Fact Sheet |
FFS➣Free Flow Speed (highway capacity, civil engineering) |
FFS➣Fat Finger Syndrome |
FFS➣Farmers Financial Solutions |
FFS➣Farms for Schools (UK) |
FFS➣Flexible Fertigungs-Systeme (Germany) |
FFS➣Föderation Freiheitlicher Sozialisten (German) |
FFS➣Fast Filing System (BSD, Unix) |
FFS➣Family Friendly School |
FFS➣Fallback Fault-tolerant Server |
FFS➣Final Focus System |
FFS➣Formatted File System |
FFS➣Femoral-Facial Syndrome |
FFS➣Fast Full Search (algorithm) |
FFS➣Firewall Feature Set (Cisco router) |
FFS➣False Financial Statements (auditing) |
FFS➣FearFul Silence (gaming clan) |
FFS➣Freie Fettsäure (German: free fatty acid) |
FFS➣Fish Finger Sandwich (British pub snack food) |
FFS➣Florida Folklore Society |
FFS➣Feedback Fuel System (fuel injection in internal combustion engines) |
FFS➣Flood/Flash Flood Statement (US NOAA) |
FFS➣Formation Flight System (US DoD) |
FFS➣Freedom for Some (internet news) |
FFS➣Frankford Friends School (Philadelphia, PA) |
FFS➣For Freak's Sake (polite form) |
FFS➣Fault-Free Set |
FFS➣Fast Frequency Sweep |
FFS➣Flame Fluorescence Spectroscopy |
FFS➣Funded Feasibility Study |
FFS➣Flash File Standard |
FFS➣Force Feel System |
FFS➣Fingal Farm Supply (Ontario, Canada) |
FFS➣Fiatalok Fotómuvészeti Stúdiója (Hungarian: Studio of Young Photographers; Budapest, Hungary; est. 1977) |
FFS➣Falmouth Farm Supply (Indiana) |
FFS➣Fire and Forget Seeker |
FFS➣Future Finance System |
FFS➣Full-Flow Settling (pond) |
FFS➣Fight or Flight System |
FFS➣Fully Fashioned Stocking |
FFS➣Fumble Finger Syndrome |
FFS➣Front Forces de Socialiste (Socialist Forces Front; political party, Algeria) |
FFS➣Fuze Function Setter |
FFS➣Fat Friend Syndrome |
FFS➣Fat Face Syndrome (appearance) |
FFS➣Failure to Fasten Seatbelt (traffic violation) |
FFS➣Front Freight Solution (Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight; UK) |
FFS➣ForFakeSight (band) |