Computed tomography scan

Computed tomography (CT or CAT) scan

A specialized type of x-ray imaging that uses highly focused and relatively low energy radiation to produce detailed two-dimensional images of soft tissue structures, particularly the brain. CT scans are the chief competitor to ultrasound and can yield higher quality images not disrupted by bone or gas. They are, however, more cumbersome, time consuming and expensive to perform, and they use ionizing electromagnetic radiation.Mentioned in: Abdominal Ultrasound, Ascites, Autopsy, Bladder Cancer, Cervical Disk Disease, Cholangitis, Echinococcosis, Electric Shock Injuries, Fever of Unknown Origin, Head Injury, Kidney Biopsy, Kidney Cancer, Pancreatectomy, Pelvic Fracture, Pericarditis, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Prostate Biopsy, Puberty, Puerperal Infection, Radiation Therapy, Radical Neck Dissection, Splenic Trauma, Tremors, Ventricular Shunt

Patient discussion about Computed tomography scan

Q. I get bad headaches had ct scans and m.r.i. even sinus surgery, suffering 2yrs now, dizzness occurs too.. A. If all prior medical investigations turned out normal, and sinus surgery didn't help relieve your symptoms, I would suggest the reason for your headaches is probably migraine attacks, that can cause severe headaches, and no CT scan or MRI can diagnose them. The diagnosis is made clinically, by your doctor. Migraine headaches can be eased by proper medications, before and during an attack. You should consult a neurologist.

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