释义 |
n. | 1.(Physiol.) Quality or state of being catacrotic. |
catadicrotism [kat″ah-di´krŏ-tizm] pulse anomaly in which two small additional waves or notches appear in the descending limb of the pulse tracing. adj., adj catadicrot´ic.cat·a·di·cro·tism (kat'ă-dī'krō-tizm), A condition of the pulse marked by two minor expansions of the artery following the main beat, producing two secondary upward waves on the downstroke of the pulse tracing. [cata + G. di-, two, + krotos, beat] cat·a·di·cro·tism (kat'ă-dī'krō-tizm) An anomaly of the pulse marked by two minor expansions of the artery following the main beat, producing two secondary upward waves on the downstroke of the pulse tracing. [cata + G. di-, two, + krotos, beat] |