

单词 aural nystagmus
释义 DictionarySeenystagmus

Aural Decoration

Aural Decoration


secondary (not directly communicative) sound features of speech used in literature to express different emotions, overtones in meaning, and so on. The theorists of ancient Indian poetics already had a concept of aural decoration; they linked different poetic ‘“styles” with the prevalence or absence of particular sounds (liquids, sibilants, etc.). The following are kinds of aural decorating: (1) the repetition of a sound—Voron kanul na sosnu, ITronul sonnuiu strunu, “The raven sank into the pine tree/And touched the drowsy string” (A. Blok); (2) the repetition of phonetically similar sounds—Shurshit voda po usham, i. chiriknuv, iNa tsypochkakh skachet chizh, “The water whispers over the ears and, giving a loud chirp,/The siskin jumps on tiptoe” (B. Pasternak); (3) the contraposition of phonetically contrasting sounds—Veter veet i v’ etsia ukradkamilMeih vetvei, nad vodoi naklonennykhJShevelia tiahelymi skladkami/Shelkov zelenykh, “The wind blows and whirls furtively/Among the boughs, bent above the water/ And moves the heavy folds/Of green silks” (M. Voloshin); (4) a varying organization of sequences of sounds and intonational units—V iiule, v samyi znoi, v poludennuiu poru, /Sypuchimi peskami, v goru/S poklazhei i sem’ei dvorian,/Chetverkoiu rydvan/Tashchilsia, “In July, in the hottest heat, at midday,/Through the quicksands, uphill,/With luggage and the nobleman’s family,/A coach and four-in-hand/Dragged” (I. Krylov). The use of aural decoration may be canonized, that is, generally accepted in a given literature, or individual. Thus, alliteration is canonized in Turkic popular poetry and individual in Russian folk poetry.


Shengeli, G. A. Tekhnika stikha. Moscow, 1960.
Brik, O. M. “Zvukovye povtory.” In the collection Poetika. Petrograd, 1919.
Polivanov, E. D. “Obshchii foneticheskii printsip vsiakoi poetricheskoi tekhniki.” Voprosy iazykoznaniia, 1963, no. 1.
Bernshtein, S. I. “Opyt analiza ‘slovesnoi instrumentovki.’” In the collection Poetika, issue 5. Leningrad, 1929.


aural nystagmus


 [nis-tag´mus] involuntary, rapid, rhythmic movement (horizontal, vertical, rotatory, or mixed, i.e., of two types) of the eyeball. adj., adj nystag´mic.amaurotic nystagmus nystagmus in the blind or in those with defects of central vision.amblyopic nystagmus nystagmus due to any lesion interfering with central vision.aural nystagmus labyrinthine nystagmus.caloric nystagmus rotatory nystagmus in response to caloric stimuli in the ear, seen during the caloric test.Cheyne's nystagmus a peculiar rhythmical eye movement resembling Cheyne-Stokes respiration in rhythm.congenital nystagmus (congenital hereditary nystagmus) nystagmus usually present at birth, usually horizontal and pendular, but occasionally jerky and pendular; the nystagmus may be caused by or associated with optic atrophy, coloboma, albinism, bilateral macular lesions, congenital cataract, severe astigmatism, and glaucoma.dissociated nystagmus that in which the movements in the two eyes are dissimilar.end-position nystagmus that occurring only at extremes of gaze.fixation nystagmus that occurring only on gazing fixedly at an object.gaze nystagmus nystagmus made apparent by looking to the right or to the left.labyrinthine nystagmus vestibular nystagmus due to labyrinthine disturbance.latent nystagmus that occurring only when one eye is covered.lateral nystagmus involuntary horizontal movement of the eyes.optokinetic nystagmus nystagmus induced by looking at objects moving across the visual field.pendular nystagmus nystagmus in which the oscillations of the eyes have an equal rate, amplitude, direction, and type of movement.positional nystagmus that which occurs, or is altered in form or intensity, on assumption of certain positions of the head.retraction nystagmus (nystagmus retracto´rius) a spasmodic backward movement of the eyeball occurring on attempts to move the eye; a sign of midbrain disease.rotatory nystagmus involuntary rotation of the eyes about the visual axis.secondary nystagmus nystagmus occurring after the abrupt cessation of rotation of the head, caused by the labyrinthine fluid continuing to move.spontaneous nystagmus that occurring without specific stimulation of the vestibular system.vertical nystagmus involuntary up-and-down movement of the eyes.vestibular nystagmus nystagmus due to disturbance of the labyrinth or of the vestibular nuclei; the movements are usually jerky.

aural nystagmus

Nystagmus due to a disorder in the labyrinth of the ear. Eye movement is spasmodic. See also: nystagmus




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