Caswell Memorial State Park

Caswell Memorial State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:Along the Stanislaus River, near the town of Ripon, south on Austin Road off Highway 99.
Facilities:Family and group campsites, picnic areas (é), hiking and nature trails, beaches and swimming areas, restrooms (é), exhibits.
Activities:Camping, fishing, hiking, swimming, wildlife viewing, bird watching, interpretive programs (seasonal).
Special Features:Park protects a fine example of the oak riparianwoodlands that once flourished throughout the Central CaliforniaValley. It is home to several endangered animal species, includingthe riparian brush rabbit, which is not known to occur anywhere else,and bird watching is a popular activity there.
Address:c/o Central Valley District Office
22708 Broadway St
Columbia, CA 95310

Size: 258 acres.

See other parks in California.