Djuro Djakovic
Djaković, Djuro
Born Nov. 30, 1886, in the village of Brodski Varos; died Apr. 25, 1929, in the village of Sveti Duh, Slovenia. Figure in the Yugoslav workers’ movement. Croat; son of poor peasants. Metalworker. Member of the Social Democratic Party of Bosnia-Hercegovina from 1909.
Djaković was arrested in 1915 for revolutionary activity and was sentenced to death. This was later changed to exile and hard labor. Afterward Djaković was frequently subjected to arrest and imprisonment. In 1918 and 1919, Djakovic took part in reestablishing the organizations of the Social Democratic Party and the trade unions in Bosnia-Hercegovina. In 1919 he became a member of the Central Committee of the Social Democratic Party of Bosnia-Hercegovina and was a delegate of the Social Democratic Party to the Constituent Congress of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY). At the Second Congress of the CPY in June 1920, he was elected a member of the Central Party Vece (Assembly) of the CPY. In 1926, at the Third Congress of the CPY, he became a member of the Central Committee of the CPY. From 1920 to 1921, Djakovic was a deputy to the Constituent Assembly. He was a member of the CPY delegation to the Third Congress of the Comintern in 1921. He also was a member of the Executive Committee of the Communist International. In 1926 he was elected secretary of the Croatian Metallurgists’ Trade Union and in May 1928 became a member of the new provisional leadership of the CPY, which led the struggle for consolidation of the party ranks. At the Fourth Congress of the CPY in 1928 he was elected organizational secretary of the Central Committee of the CPY. On Apr. 20, 1929, he was arrested, tortured brutally, and killed.