Brand, Mona
Brand, Mona
Born 1915, in Sydney. Australian writer and journalist.
In the 1930’s, Brand made her debut as a poet. She was one of the founders of the Melbourne Group of Realist Writers. She publishes articles and essays in the progressive press about literature and art in socialist countries. Brand’s first play, Under Heaven (performed in 1948), is directed against racism. The play Strangers in the Land (1954) castigates the English colonizers in Malaya. The play Better a Millstone (performed in 1954) is devoted to the problem of juvenile criminality. After a two-year stay in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Brand wrote the play No Strings Attached, or The Not So Quiet American (performed in 1958), which exposes the American aggressors. She published the collection of poems and novellas Daughters of Vietnam (1958).
Wheel and Bobbin. Sydney, 1938.Silver Singing. Melbourne, 1940.
Two Plays About Malaya. London, 1954.
Daughters of Vietnam. Hanoi, 1958.
In Russian translation:
Chuzhie v strane. Moscow, 1955.
Pod nashim nebom. Moscow, 1956.