Electrophotographic Paper
Electrophotographic Paper
paper designed for use in the production of xerographic copies.
Electrophotographic paper consists of electrically conductive baryta paper whose base is coated on one side with a photoconductive layer that is 20–100 micrometers thick and that becomes light-sensitive after it is charged to a potential of several hundred volts. Most photoconductive layers contain either a pure form of ZnO or ZnO that has been sensitized by a dye such as eosin. Instead of ZnO, oxides, iodides, selenides, sulfides, and tellurides of various metals may be used. Polyvinyl butyral, acyl hydrazone and oxadizole derivatives, and synthetic and natural resins may be used as binders.
The photographic properties of electrophotographic paper are characterized primarily by charge potential and photosensitivity. Nonsensitized electrophotographic paper with a photoconductive layer that contains ZnO has a photosensitivity of the order of 0.04 GOST (State Standard) unit. Sensitized paper has a photosensitivity of 0.5-1 GOST unit. The resolution of copies made on electrophotographic paper depends on copy-machine design, the thickness of the photoconductive layer, and the method of development; it generally ranges fom 3 lines/mm to 40 lines/mm.
Slutskin, A. A., and V. I. Sheberstov. Kopiroval’nyeprotsessy i ma-terialy reprografii i maloipoligrafii. Moscow, 1971.A. V. ALFEROV