Fedor Filippovich Korolev
Korolev, Fedor Filippovich
Born Sept. 18 (30), 1898, in the village of Berezki, in present-day Kostiukovichi Raion, Mogilev Oblast; died June 13, 1971, in Moscow. Soviet educator, One of the founders of Soviet pedagogical science. Professor (1961) and doctor of pedagogical sciences (1959). Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Science of the RSFSR (1965) and of the Academy of Pedagogical Science of the USSR (1968). Member of the CPSU from 1924.
Korolev began his pedagogical activity in 1925 and graduated from the Higher School of Pedagogical Science at the Second Moscow State University in 1929. During the 1930’s, Korolev taught and conducted research at the N. K. Krupskaia Academy of Communist Upbringing and at the Central Research Institute of the Communist Children’s Movement under the Central Committee of the All-Union Lenin Communist Youth League. He was a member of the Main Academic Council from 1928 to 1933 and the director of the Institute for Improving the Qualifications of Engineers and Technicians. In 1950, Korolev joined the Scientific Research Institute of the Theory and History of Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogical Science of the RSFSR, serving as its director from 1960 to 1965. He was editor in chief of the journal Sovetskaia pedagogika from 1963 to 1971. In 1965 he became a member of the Presidium of the Academy of Pedagogical Science of the RSFSR, and from 1968 he served on the Presidium of the Academy of Pedagogical Science of the USSR.
Korolev worked on problems of the theory and practice of communist upbringing, the communist children’s movement, the history and theory of pedagogy, and the history of the Soviet school system. He conducted research on the methodological and theoretical principles of pedagogy and on teaching methods. For his pedagogical work he was awarded the K. D. Ushinskii and N. K. Krupskaia medals. Korolev also received four orders and other medals.
Ocherki po istorii sovetskoi shkoly i pedagogiki, 1917-1920. Moscow, 1958.Sovetskaia shkola v period sotsialisticheskoi industrializatsii. Moscow, 1959.
Ocherki po istorii sovetskoi shkoly i pedagogiki, 1921-1931. Moscow, 1961. (With others.)
Osnovy kommunisticheskogo vospitaniia, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1962. (With others.)
Obshchie osnovy pedagogiki. Edited by F. F. Korolev and V. E. Gmurman. Moscow, 1967.
Pedagogika: Uch. posobie. Moscow, 1968. (With others.)
Razvitie osnovnykh idei sovetskoi pedagogiki. Moscow, 1968.
Lenin, sovetskaia shkola i sotsialisticheskaia pedagogika. Moscow, 1970.
Leninskie printsipy kommunisticheskogo vospitaniia. Moscow, 1970.
Metodologicheskie problemy marksistsko-leninskoi pedagogiki. Moscow, 1971. (With A. M. Arsen’ev.)