Fedor Fedorovich Martens
Martens, Fedor Fedorovich
(Frédéric [Friedrich] Frommhold de Martens). Born Aug. 15 (27), 1845, in Pärnu, in the present-day Estonian SSR; died June 7 (20), 1909, in St. Petersburg. Russian jurist and diplomat.
Martens worked in the field of international law and the history of diplomacy. In 1867 he graduated from the University of St. Petersburg, where from 1873 to 1905 he was a professor. In 1874 he was elected a member of the European Institute of International Law, becoming vice-president in 1885. From 1881 to 1909 he was a member of the Council of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Russia. He was the Russian delegate at the Brussels conference of 1874, the Hague conferences of 1893, 1894, and 1906, and the Hague Peace Conference of 1899. His main work was Collection of Treaties and Conventions Concluded by Russia With Foreign Powers (vols. 1-15, St. Petersburg, 1874-1909, with extended historical commentaries by Martens).
Ob otnosheniiakh mezhdu Rossiei i Ottomanskoi imperiei v tsarstvovanie imperatritsy Ekateriny II. St. Petersburg, 1867.O prave chastnoi sobstvennosti vo vremia voiny. St. Petersburg, 1869.
O konsulakh i konsul’skoi iurisdiktsii na Vostoke. St. Petersburg, 1873.
Vostochnaia voina i Briussel’skaia konferentsia 1874-1879. St. Petersburg, 1879.
Rossiia i Angliia v Srednei Azii. St. Petersburg, 1880. (Translated from French.)
Rossiia i Kitai. St. Petersburg, 1881. (Translated from French.)
Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo tsivilizovannykh narodov, vols. 1-2. St. Petersburg, 1882-83.
Egipetskii vopros i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. St. Petersburg, 1882.