

单词 behavior



B0163400 (bĭ-hāv′yər)n.1. The manner in which one acts or behaves.2. a. The actions or reactions of a person or animal in response to external or internal stimuli.b. One of these actions or reactions: "a hormone ... known to directly control sex-specific reproductive and parenting behaviors in a wide variety of vertebrates" (Thomas Maugh II).3. The manner in which something functions or operates: the faulty behavior of a computer program; the behavior of dying stars.
[Middle English behavour, from behaven, to behave (on the model of havour, behavior, from Old French avoir, from avoir, to have); see behave.]
be·hav′ior·al adj.be·hav′ior·al·ly adv.Synonyms: behavior, conduct, bearing, deportment, comportment, demeanor
These nouns all pertain to a person's actions as they constitute a means of evaluation by others. Behavior is the most general: The children were on their best behavior.
Conduct applies to actions considered from the standpoint of morality and ethics: "Life, not the parson, teaches conduct" (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.).
Bearing often carries with it the implication of social standing or position: "It was evident from his bearing that he belonged to the country's ruling élite" (Amitav Ghosh).
Deportment and comportment pertain more narrowly to actions measured by a prevailing code of social behavior: "the alleged decline in standards of deportment—a significant issue for an institution that prided itself on turning out 'gentlemen'" (Jerome Karabel)."Would I see a different person, or merely the same one governed by different conventions of comportment ... accoutrement, and dress?" (Witold Rybczynski).
Demeanor suggests outward appearance that manifests inward emotion or character: "The Beth I saw now was not only nimble-footed, but her demeanor was exuberant and self-assured" (Rachel Simon).


(bɪˈheɪv yər)

n. 1. the manner of conducting oneself. 2. Psychol., Animal Behav. a. observable activity in a human or animal. b. the aggregate of responses to internal and external stimuli. c. a stereotyped species-specific activity, as a courtship dance. 3. the action or reaction of any material under given circumstances. [1400–50; late Middle English behavoure, behaver, derivative of behave, on the model of hav(i)or possession< Middle French (h)avoir < Latin habēre to have] be•hav′ior•al, adj. be•hav′ior•al•ly, adv. usage: See -or 1.


(bĭ-hāv′yər)1. The actions displayed by an organism in response to its environment.2. One of these actions. Feeding and mating are examples of animal behaviors.


See also attitudes; moods; psychology.
aberrance, aberrancythe condition or state of being deviant or aberrant.abnormalism1. having a tendency towards, or being in a state of abnormality.
2. something that is abnormal.
abnormalista person who is characterized as being in some way abnormal.adventurismimpulsive, rash, or irresponsible actions or attitudes, especially in the sphere of public life. — adventurist, n. — adventuristic, adj.alarmismthe attitudes and behavior of one who exaggerates dangers or always expects disaster. — alarmist, n.alogyObsolete, illogicality, unreasonableness. — alogic, alogical, adj.amazonismthe taking on of masculine habits and occupations by women.Arcadianismthe dress and conduct suitable to a pastoral existence, usually with reference to the idealized description of pastoral life in literature. — Arcadian, n., adj.arrivism1. the state of having recently achieved wealth or position, especially by unscrupulous or unethical means.
2. behavior typical of arrivism. — arriviste, n., adj.
asceticisma severe self-deprivation for ethical, religious, or intellectual ends. — ascetic, n., adj.atrabilarian1. a sad and gloomy individual.
2. an irritable and bad-tempered person. — atrabilious, adj.
attitudinarianismthe practice of striking poses, either to mask or to express personal feelings. — attitudinarian, n.attorneyismthe characteristics attributed to attorneys; slyness; unscrupulousness.automatisman automatic or involuntary action. — automatist, n.autophobyRare. an abnormal fear of being egotistical, of referring to oneself.babuism, babooismDerogatory. the practices of Hindus who had only a slight English education. From bābū, a Hindi title equivalent to Sir or Mr.Barnumismshowmanship or any activity taking advantage of people’s credulity or desire for sensational entertainment, as practiced by P.T. Barnum (1810-91).bashawismthe characteristics of a bashaw, especially tyranny and imperiousness.beatnikismattitudes or behavior typical of a beatnik or one who has rejected conventions of society.bestialitya debased brutality, the opposite of humane activity: “I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial.” (Othello). See also sex.bizarreriestrangeness or grotesqueness, especially strange or unconventional behavior.blackguardismbehavior typical of a blackguard, characterized by use of obscene language and by roguish actions. — blackguardery, n.blackguardly, adj.bohemianismthe practice of individualistic, unconventional, and relaxed conduct, of ten in an artistic context, expressing disregard for or opposition to ordinary conventions. — bohemian, n., adj.boobyismconduct characteristic of a stupid person or clown. — boobyish, adj.braggartisma braggart’s usual activity; bragging. — braggartist, braggart, n.brutalitarianismthe practice of advocating or engaging in brutality. — brutalitarian, adj.brutismthe set of attributes that characterize a brute. — brutish, adj.bullyismthe actions of a bully.careerismthe characteristics associated with one who advances his career even at the expense of his pride and dignity. — careerist, n.ceremonialisman addiction to ceremonies or ritualism, especially in social and other nonreligious contexts. — ceremonialist, n.characterologythe study of character, especially its development and its variations. — characterologist, n.characterologic, characterological, adj.charlatanismthe quality of having characteristics of a fraud. — charlatanic, adj.consuetudea habit or custom; usual behavior.coxcombryfoolish conceit or vanity; behavior typical of a coxcomb.daredevilismreckless or foolhardy behavior. Also called daredeviltry. — daredevil, n.debacchationObsolete, raving or maniacal behavior, as that of a bacchanal.decorumproper behavior; action that is seemly and in good taste. — decorous, adj.die-hardismthe attitudes or behavior of one who stubbornly holds on to something, as an outdated view, untenable position, etc. — die-hard, n., adj.dilettantisman admiration of or interest in the arts, often used pejoratively to designate a shallow, undisciplined, or frivolous attraction. — dilettante, n., adj.dilettantish, adj.donkeyism1. an action characterized as being donkeylike; foolishness.
2. the characteristic of being like a donkey. — donkeyish, adj.
do-nothingismidleness or indolence as a habit or regular practice.dowdyismthe habit of being shabbily dressed. — dowdyish, adj.dramaticismthe habit of performing actions in a histrionic manner.ergoisma pedantic adherence to logically constructed rules.erraticisman action or behavior that deviates from the norm; unpredictability in behavior.exhibitionism1. a deliberately conspicuous or exaggerated mode of behavior, intended to gain attention.
2. the abnormal practice of indecent exposure. — exhibitionist, n.exhibitionistic, adj.
faineance, faineancylaziness; the state of being idle. — faineant, adj.fairyismthe quality of being a fairy or having fairylike characteristics.fanfaronadeswaggering boastfulness; vainglorious speech or behavior. — fanfaron, n.faustianismspiritual or intellectual dissatisfaction combined with a desire for power or material advantage. After Johann Faust (c.1480-c.1538), German scholar portrayed by Marlowe and Goethe. — faustian, adj.fiendismRare. evil attitudes and actions.flunkyism, flunkeyism1. the quality or state of being a servant or toady.
2. behavior typical of flunkyism. — flunky, flunkey, n.
formularismthe condition of adhering solely to set formulas. — formularistic, adj.fossilismbehavior typical of an earlier time; old-fashioned or stuffy attitudes; fogyism.fraternalismthe condition of having brotherly qualities. — fraternalist, n.fraternalistic, adj.functionarismthe administrative duties of officials. — functionary, n., adj.gangsterismthe habit of using organized violence to achieve one’s ends. — gangster, n.gasconismboastful or bragging behavior. Also gasconadc.gelastic1. inclined to laughter.
2. laugh-provoking in conduct or speech.
gnathonismthe extremely obsequious behavior of a sycophant. — gnathonic, adj.gourmandism, gormandism1. a strong penchant for good food; gourmetism; epicurism.
2. gluttony. — gourmand, gormand, n., adj.
grandeeismattitudes and actions modeled on the grandees, Iberian nobles of the highest rank.gypsyism, gipsyismthe activities and style of living attributed to gypsies. — gypsy, gipsy, n.gypsyish, gipsyish, adj.harlequinadea performance involving Harlequin or other characters of the Commedia dell’Arte; hence, buffoonery or clownish behavior. Also harlequinery.hermitismthe practice of retiring from society and living in solitude, based upon a variety of motives, including religious. Also called hermitry, hermitship.hermitic, hermitical, adj.histriconismhistrionicism.histrionicisma tendency to theatrical or exaggerated action. Also histriconism.histrionics, n.histrionic, adj.hoboismthe state of being a hobo or vagrant.holidayisma dedication to taking holidays.hooliganismlawless behavior or conduct typical of a hooligan.horsyism, horseyismlooking or acting in some way like a horse. — horsy, horsey, adj.horsily, adv.Hottentotismany behavior attributed to the Hottentots, in particular, a kind of stammering or stuttering.hoydenismill-bred, boisterous, or tomboyish behavior in a woman. — hoyden, n. , — hoydenish, adj.humbuggery1. pretentious behavior or attitudes.
2. imposing or deceptive behavior. — humbug, humbugger, n.
humoralism, humouralisman obsolete physiological explanation of health, disease, and behavior, asserting that the relative proportions of four elemental bodily fluids or humors (blood-sanguinity, phlegm-sluggishness, black bile-melancholy, and yellow bile-choler) determined a person’s physical and mental constitution. — humoral, humoural, adj.hyphenismdivision of patriotic loyalties, ascribed by some to foreign-born citizens in the United States.idiocrasyan idiosyncrasy or personal mannerism or peculiarity.idiosyncrasya mannerism, action, or form of behavior peculiar to one person or group. — idiosyncratic, idiosyncratical, adj.impudicitylack of shame or modesty.indecorum1. indecorous, improper, or unseemly behavior.
2. an indecorous thing or action.
Indianismthe customs or traditions of Indians, especially American Indians. — Indianist, n.insurrectionismthe quality of revolting against established authority. — insurrectionist, n., adj.insurrectionary, adj.irascibilitya tendency to irritability and sudden fits of anger. Also called irascibleness. — irascible, adj.Johnsonianismthe quality of having traits or characteristics like those of Samuel Johnson. — Johnsonian, n., adj.juvenilism, juvenilityOften pejorative. a mode of action or thought characterized by apparent youthfulness. — juvenile, n., adj.landlordismthe actions and characteristics of a landlord. — landlordly, adj.larkinismfrolicsomeness.larrikinismthe state of being noisy, rowdy, or disorderly. — larrikin, adj., n.libertinisma tendency to unrestrained, often licentious or dissolute conduct. Also libertinage. — libertine, n., adj.lionismthe pursuit or adulation of celebrities. — lionize, v.litigiousness1. an inclination to dispute or disagree with others, esp. through civil suits.
2. argumentativeness. — litigious, adj.
Londonismthe customs and characteristics of London and of those who reside there. — Londonish, adj.macaronism, maccaronisma tendency to foppishness. — macaroni, maccaroni, n.maenadismbehavior characteristic of a maenad or bacchante; raging or wild behavior in a woman. — maenadic, adj.maidism1. the state or quality of being a maid, a young or unmarried woman.
2. behavior or attitude typical of maidism.
mannerisma style of action, bearing, thought, or speech peculiar to an individual or a special group. See also art. — mannerist, n.manneristic, adj.martinetisman emphasis on scrupulous attention to the details of methods and procedures in all areas of life. — martinet, n.martinetish, adj.maudlinismRare.
1. a tendency in temperament to be mawkishly sentimental and tearfully emotional.
2. a degree of drunkenness characterized by mawkish emotionalism. — maudlin, adj.
melodramaticsbehavior typical of that portrayed in a melodrama, i.e., characterized by extremes of emotion.mercuriality1. the state or quality of having a lively, fickle, volatile, or erratic attitude or charaeter.
2. an instance of such behavior. — mercurial, adj.
milksopism1. the state or quality of being a weak and ineffectual person.
2. behavior or attitudes typical of a such a person.
mimicisman intense (and sometimes injurious) tendency to mimicry.mountebankismboastful and pretentious behavior; quackery or any actions typical of a mountebank. Also mountebankery.muckerismbehavior characteristic of a boorish person.mutualismthe principle or practice of mutual dependence as the condition of individual and social welfare. — mutualist, n.namby-pambyismweak or insipid behavior or attitude. — namby-pamby, n., adj.Negroisma quality or trait distinctive of Negroes.ninnyismconduct characteristic of a ninny, or silly fool. — ninnyish, adj.nomadisma rootless, nondomestic, and roving lifestyle. — nomadic, adj.nudismthe practice of going nude. — nudist, n., adj.Occidentalismthe characteristics and customs of people situated in western regions, especially the Western Hemisphere, as western European countries and the United States. — Occidentalist, n.ogreismthe condition of resembling an ogre in actions and characteristics. — ogreish, adj.opportunismthe conscious policy and practice of taking selfish advantage of circumstances, with little regard for principles. — opportunist, n.opportunistic, adj.Orientalismthe habits, qualities, and customs of Oriental peoples. — Orientalist, Orientality, n.parrotismmindless imitation. Also called parrotry.particularismthe adherence to an exclusive subject, interest, or topic. — particularist, n.particularistic, adj.parvenuism1. behavior or attitudes typical of one who has recently acquired wealth or social position.
2. the state or quality of being a parvenu or upstart. — parvenu, n., adj.
patricianism1. the state of being a member of one of the original citizen families of ancient Rome.
2. the state of being noble or high born. — patriciate, n.
plebeianismthe quality of having common manners, character, or style. — plebeian, n., adj.pococurantisma tendency to conduct expressing indifference, nonchalance, or lack of concern. — pococurante, pococurantist, n.pococurante, adj.poltroonismthe characteristics associated with being a coward or wretch. Also called poltroonery. — poltroonish, adj.polypragmatisma penchant for meddlesomeness and officiousness. Also polypragmacy, polypragmaty. — polypragmatist, n.polypragmatic, adj.pornerastone whose conduct is unchaste, licentious, or lewd.praxeology, praxiologythe study of human behavior and conduct. — praxeological, adj.preciosityexcessive fastidiousness or over-refinement in language or behavior.precipitancyhasty or rash action, behavior, etc.; undue or ill-considered haste. — precipitant, adj.priggismthe strict adherence to correctness of behavior. — prigger, n.priggish, adj.profligacy1. dissolute or immoral behavior.
2. reckless and extravagant spending or behavior. — profligate, adj.
protagonismthe actions and qualities of a protagonist. — protagonist, n.protervitya tendency to peevish, petulant, or insolent conduct.psychagogics, psychagogya method of affecting behavior by assisting in the choice of desirable life goals. — psychagogue, n.puppyismaffected or impertinent behavior; conceit.quixotisma tendency to absurdly chivalric, visionary, or romantically impractical conduct. — quixotic, quixotical, adj.rabulismRare. a tendency to railing and quibbling. — rabulistic, rabulous, adj.reactionismthe condition of being reactionary or resistant to change. — reactionist, n., adj.reporterismthe characteristics of a reporter.reunionismthe qualities of a reunion or social gathering. — reunionist, n.revolutionismthe state of being revolutionary. — revolutionary, revolutionist, n.revolutional, revolutionary, adj.routinismthe excessive adherence to a routine. — routinist, n.rowdyismnoisy, quarrelsome, or disorderly conduct or behavior. — rowdy, n., adj.ruffianismbehavior typical or characteristic of a brutal and violent person. — ruffian, n.Satanismdiabolical behavior. — Satanist, n.savagismthe condition of having uncivilized or primitive qualities. — savagedom, n.schoolboyismthe practices characteristic of a schoolboy. — schoolboyish, adj.scoundrelismthe characteristics and behavior of a scoundrel. — scoundrelly, adj.seclusionista person who seeks solitude or removes himself from the society of others; a recluse.sensorialismthe quality of having sensation. — sensorial. adj.seraphismArchaic. an ecstatic devotion, especially religious.sermonist1. a person who delivers sermons.
2. a person who adopts a preaching attitude.
Shandyisma tendency to whimsical conduct in accord with absurd theories from past ages. [Allusion to the actions of Walter, father of the hero in Sterne’s Tristram Shandy.]spasmodisma tendency to conduct marked by outbursts of strong emotion. — spasmodist, n. — spasmodic, spasmodical, adj.Sundayismactivity characteristic of the observance of Sunday as a holy day.supermanismthe condition of having qualities or traits like those of a superman. — supermanly, adj.sybaritisma love of luxury. [Allusion to Sybaris, a Greek colony in Italy not-ed for its luxury.] — sybarite, n. — sybaritic, adj.sycophantismthe practice of self-serving or servile flattery. Also called sycophancy. — sycophant, n.sycophantic, adj.sympathismthe condition of having coinciding emotions in two or more people.tantalismObsolete. a form of teasing or harassment in which a hope of some good or benefit is instilled in the victim, only to be repeatedly dashed and the reward shown to be unattainable.tartufflsmhypocrisy. [Allusion to Molière’s hypocritical hero, Tartuffe.] Also called tartuffery.theatricalisma tendency to actions marked by exaggerations in speech or behavior. Also called theatricism.tidyismthe habit of extreme neatness.Timonisma personal despair leading to misanthropy. [Allusion to Shake-speare’s Timon of Athens.]toadyisma fawning flattery, obsequiousness, or sycophancy. — toady, n.toadyish, adj,tokenismformal or superficial compliance with a law, requirement, convention, etc.tomboyismthe conduct characteristic of a tomboy, a boyish girl. — tomboyish, adj.Turcism, TurkismObsolete, the attitudes and actions of the Turks.ultracrepidarianismthe habit of giving opinions and advice on matters outside of one’s knowledge or competence. — ultracrepidarian, n., adj.vagabondism1. the tendency to wander from place to place without a settled home; nomadism.
2. the life of a tramp; vagrancy. Also called vagabondage.vagabond, n., adj.
vandalismthe malicious destruction or defamation of public or private property. — vandal, vandalization, n.vandalish, adj.vanguardismthe actions or thoughts of members of a vanguard, those at the forefront of a movement, fad, etc. — vanguardist, n.Victorianismthe affection for or emulation of Victorian tastes or thoughts.Vikingismthe actions characteristic of a Viking, i.e., savagery, rapaciousness, etc.voyeurismthe compulsion to seek sexual gratification by secretively looking at sexual objects or acts; the actions of a Peeping Tom. — voyeur, n.voyeuristic, adj.vulpinismRare. the state or quality of being foxlike, especially crafty or cunning. — vulpine, adj.vulturismbehavior or character typical of a vulture, especially in the figurative sense of being rapacious. — vulturous, adj.werewolfismthe quality of having the traits of a werewolf.Yahooisma penchant for rowdyism. [Allusion to Swift’s characters in Gulliver’s Travels.]yokelism1. the state or quality of being a yokel or country bumpkin.
2. behavior, language, etc, typical of a yokel.
zanyismthe style of a zany or buffoon.zealotism, zealotrya tendency to undue or excessive zeal; fanaticism.zelotypiaObsolete.
1. abnormal zeal.
2. morbid jealousy. — zelotypic, adj.




  1. Accepted the crisp bills with a certain famished delicacy like an aristocrat determined not to slaver at the sight of food —John Farris
  2. Accumulated [information] like a nest-building bird —Louis Auchincloss
  3. Act badly … like a man hitting a woman in the breast —George Bernard Shaw
  4. Acted bored but patient, as though an enthusiastic acquaintance had just shown him the picture of a new grandchild —Joel Swerdlow
  5. Allowed himself to be absorbed (into the softly palpitating life about him,) like a tired traveler sinking, at his journey’s end, into a warm bath —Edith Wharton
  6. Ate like Satan, and worked like a gnat —A. E. Coppard
  7. Attention-getting behavior … like I was screaming at the universe [to fulfill my ambitions] —Mel Brooks, Playboy, April, 1973
  8. Battled failure like the seven plagues —Anon
  9. Behave … like a sort of love-crazed sparrow —Roald Dahl
  10. Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his image —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  11. Bluster like the north wind —Mrs. Centlivre
  12. Butters it [the truth] over like a slice of bread —Erich Maria Remarque

    In his novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, Remarque uses the simile to explain that man is “Essentially a beast” but covers up this truth “With a little decorum.”

  13. (All he was doing was) calling attention to himself, rather like those movie stars who go around wearing dark glasses on cloudy days —Loren D. Estleman
  14. Carrying on like a revivalist facing a full tent —Robert Traver
  15. Charm was put forward like a piece of acting in a theatre —Hugh Walpole
  16. Clutched at her throat like one stifled for want of air —Anzia Yezierska
  17. Crawl into (his secret life) and nestle there, like the worm in the rose —Mary McCarthy
  18. Dangled herself [before men]… like a drum majorette —Margaret Millar
  19. Deny like a piano player in a bordello who claimed he didn’t know what went on upstairs —Ed McBain
  20. Flinched as if someone had thrown a baseball directly at his face —Graham Masterton
  21. Flinched back like a box turtle into its shell —F. van Wyck Mason
  22. Flirtatious as a Southern belle —Alice McDermott
  23. For the promise of favor he will kneel down and lick boots like a spaniel —George Garrett
  24. Glancing around him like a hunting dog nosing for a spoor —Kenzaburo Oë
  25. Go forward like a stoic Roman —Edwin Arlington Robinson
  26. Gripped life like a wrestler with a bull, impetuously —Stephen Vincent Benét
  27. He had a way of … suddenly pouncing on something [someone says] that interested him, like a heron spearing a fish —Antonia White
  28. Her not doing it was like the Baskerville hound that didn’t bark —William Dieter
  29. In public, they act like flat-chested old maids preaching temperance —Charles Simic
  30. Intruded upon my vision like a truck on an empty road —Mary Gordon
  31. I talk half the time to find out my own thoughts, as a schoolboy turns his pockets inside out to see what is in them —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
  32. Jerked at the [fishing] net like a penitent —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  33. Like a nun withdrawing, or a child exploring a tower, she went upstairs —Virginia Woolf
  34. Lived and behaved like that sandpiper [in my poem]… just running along the edges of different countries, looking for something —Elizabeth Bishop, acceptance speech at University of Oklahoma, 1976 on receiving Books Abroad/Neustadt International Prize for Literature
  35. Looked round … desperately like someone trying to find a way of crossing a muddy path without getting her shoes soiled —Franz Werfel
  36. Lurking like a funeral director at a christening —W. P. Kinsella
  37. Many talk like philosophers, and live like fools —H. G. Bohn’s Handbook of Proverbs
  38. Men’s behavior should be like their apparel, not too straight … but free for exercise or motion —Francis Bacon
  39. Nodded judiciously like someone making a mental note —Lynne Sharon Schwartz
  40. Pedestrians in the East behave like lemmings rushing dispassionately to their deaths —W. P. Kinsella
  41. People loll upon the beaches ripening like gaudy peaches —Ogden Nash
  42. Play with … like a clever cat with a rubber mouse —Maureen Howard
  43. (She) poured out feelings and thoughts that most people keep to themselves like a prodigal flinging gold pieces to a scrambling crowd —W. Somerset Maugham
  44. Pushed me across [stage] like a broom —Edith Pearlman
  45. Pull rank like a little red wagon (if it’d get her a place in the shade) —Tom Robbins
  46. (Mary) pulled nerves like string in a blanket —Louise Erdrich
  47. Pushing and jostling like a stormy sea —Stephen Vincent Benét
  48. Raving, but soundlessly … so that she looked like a film of herself without a sound-track —Lawrence Durrell
  49. Recoiled … like a man walking in his sleep, awakened from a frightful dream —Charles Dickens
  50. Rose like a trout to the fly or a pickerel to the spoon —Mary McCarthy

    The simile as used in the short story, Yellowstone Park, describes a character who’s an easy prey for any appeal for money to be spent for educational purposes.

  51. (A day after helping the Giants to their victory over the Raiders in Los Angeles, Lional Manuel, the third-year wide receiver) sauntered through the locker room like an explorer just back from a glorious expedition —William R. Rhoden, New York Times, September 23, 1986
  52. (She sat in bed,) sharpening her charms and her riddles like colored pencils —Yehuda Amichai
  53. She went toward the sitting room seeking him like a cold animal seeking the fire —Margaret Mitchell
  54. Shook himself like an angry little dog coming out of the water —Barbara Pym
  55. Shrugged their shoulders as if to shake off whatever chips of responsibility might have lodged there —Helen Hudson
  56. Spoke like a fool, and acted like a fiddler —Saul Bellow
  57. Stuffed his own emptiness with good work like a glutton —Flannery O’Connor
  58. Swallowed his temper but it left a sour taste in his stomach like heartburn —Donald McCaig
  59. Swallowing hard like a stiff-necked goose —Paige Mitchell
  60. Talk like a saint and behave like a fool —Jerome K. Jerome
  61. Talks like a prophet and acts like a comedian —Amos Oz
  62. Thought and action … were simultaneous in her, rather like thunder and lightning —Leigh Allison Wilson
  63. Took them [spectacles] off, polished the lenses, and held them to the light like a spinster checking her crystal —Donald MacKenzie

    Were MacKenzie writing the novel from which this is culled, Postscript to a Dead Letter, he might well use a new bride or a proud homeowner instead of spinster, which has fallen into disfavor.

  64. Toys with … as with a yo-yo —Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli representative to the United Nations, New York Times, November 23, 1986

    This simile was used in connection with an article on Syrian terrorism. Typically, the simile was highlighted as a blurb!

  65. Treat us like mushroom … keep us in the dark and throw shit at us —Loren D. Estleman
  66. Used tranquilizing drugs … like the inhabitants of besieged medieval cities who, surprised by death, went back to bed, trying to fall asleep by telling themselves that the threatening flames were only a nightmare —Marguerite Yourcenar
  67. Using a … flippant tone, as if he were talking about people in a play, or watching the ceiling at the dentist’s —Ross Macdonald
  68. Wore abuse like widow’s weeds —Lael Tucker Wertenbaker
Noun1.behavior - manner of acting or controlling yourselfbehavior - manner of acting or controlling yourselfconduct, doings, behaviouractivity - any specific behavior; "they avoided all recreational activity"aggression - deliberately unfriendly behaviorbohemianism - conduct characteristic of a bohemiandirty pool - conduct that is unfair or unethical or unsportsmanlikedirty tricks - underhand commercial or political behavior designed to discredit an opponentoffense, offensive activity, discourtesy, offence - a lack of politeness; a failure to show regard for others; wounding the feelings or otherseasiness - the quality of being easy in behavior or style; "there was an easiness between them"; "a natural easiness of manner"the way of the world, the ways of the world - the manner in which people typically behave or things typically happen; "the ordinary reader is endowed with considerable wisdom and knowledge of the way of the world"; "she was well-versed in the ways of the world before she had taken the veil"; "he was amazingly innocent of the ways of the world"
2.behavior - the action or reaction of something (as a machine or substance) under specified circumstancesbehavior - the action or reaction of something (as a machine or substance) under specified circumstances; "the behavior of small particles can be studied in experiments"behaviouractiveness, activity, action - the state of being active; "his sphere of activity"; "he is out of action"
3.behavior - (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other peoplebehavior - (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other peopledemeanor, demeanour, deportment, behaviour, conducttrait - a distinguishing feature of your personal naturemanners - social deportment; "he has the manners of a pig"citizenship - conduct as a citizen; "award for good citizenship"swashbuckling - flamboyantly reckless and boastful behaviorcorrectitude, properness, propriety - correct or appropriate behaviorimproperness, impropriety - an improper demeanorpersonal manner, manner - a way of acting or behaving
4.behavior - (psychology) the aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situationbehaviouractivity - any specific behavior; "they avoided all recreational activity"territoriality - the behavior of a male animal that defines and defends its territorypsychological science, psychology - the science of mental life


noun1. The manner in which one behaves:action (often used in plural), comportment, conduct, deportment, way.2. The way in which a machine or other thing performs or functions:functioning, operation, performance, reaction, working (often used in plural).




adulterous behavior

Actions that bely not only an unfaithfulness to one's spouse, but also a propensity toward deceit and licentiousness in general. I suspect that Ollie has been engaging in adulterous behavior recently. I wonder if his husband has picked up on it.See also: behavior

ape (one's) behavior

To mimic the behavior of one, generally in a mocking or derisive manner. It is pretty standard now for comedians to ape the president's behavior and manner of speech.See also: ape, behavior

be on (one's) good behavior

To be very polite or exercising exceptionally good manners. Primarily heard in US. Now, you kids must be on your good behavior for your Auntie this weekend! Good morning, class. I hope everyone was on their good behavior for the substitute teacher yesterday.See also: behavior, good, on

be on (one's) best behavior

To be very polite or exercise exceptionally good manners. Primarily heard in US. Now, you kids must be on your best behavior for your Auntie this weekend! Good morning, class. I hope everyone was on their best behavior for the substitute teacher yesterday.See also: behavior, on

on (one's) good behavior

Being very polite or exercising exceptionally good manners. Primarily heard in US. Now, you kids must be on your good behavior for your Auntie this weekend! Good morning, class. I hope everyone was on their good behavior for the substitute teacher yesterday.See also: behavior, good, on

on (one's) best behavior

Being very polite or exercising exceptionally good manners. Primarily heard in US. Now, you kids must be on your best behavior for your Auntie this weekend! Good morning, class. I hope everyone was on their best behavior for the substitute teacher yesterday.See also: behavior, on

on one's best behavior

being as polite as possible. When we went out, the children were on their best behavior. I try to be on my best behavior all the time.See also: behavior, on

*time off for good behavior

 1. Lit. a reduction in one's prison sentence because of good behavior. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~.) Bob will get out of jail tomorrow rather than next week. He got time off for good behavior. 2. Fig. a shortened time period—such a meeting, period of punishment, school class, etc. (Jocular. *Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~.) They let me out of the meeting early. They said I got time off for good behavior.See also: behavior, good, off, time

on one's best behavior

Also, on one's good behavior. Very polite, as in Mother told the children to be on their best behavior during Grandma's visit, or The whole staff were on their good behavior while the client inspected the premises. [Late 1600s] See also: behavior, on



in biology: see ethologyethology,
study of animal behavior based on the systematic observation, recording, and analysis of how animals function, with special attention to physiological, ecological, and evolutionary aspects.
..... Click the link for more information.



a system of interrelated actions, performed by a subject for the purpose of carrying out a definite function, and requiring the interaction of the subject with the environment. In a broad sense, behavior is ascribed to diverse objects, such as an electron in a magnetic field or a cyclone. In a scientific sense, the term “behavior” refers chiefly to a purposeful system of actions, or the aggregate of actions of a living individual. Since the middle of the 20th century the term “behavior” has been conventionally applied to complex automatic systems in modern technology.

The general preconditions for behavior in living organisms are a subject with a definite organization that permits the construction of a purposeful system of actions; an object toward which the behavior is directed, to the extent that it contains the goal of behavior; and a definite program of behavior and a mechanism for evaluating the effectiveness with which it is implemented. Depending on the level of organization of the subject, behavior is classified as biological, psychological, or sociological. Each of these levels is studied by a particular discipline.

Research on behavior dates from the end of the 19th century. At first, it focused on animal behavior, and specifically on the interaction of the biological individual with the environment. The mechanism of this interaction was explained on the basis of classical reflex theory, which defined behavior as the aggregate of reflexes and considered each act of behavior a response of the organism to an external stimulus (a reflex arc). This approach made it possible to discover the physiological bases of behavior and the principles of its neurocerebral regulation.

Behavior received a broader biological treatment as a result of the development of ethology and closely related disciplines, especially animal psychology and behavior genetics. Ethological research made it possible to establish the fact that the general pattern of behavior in animals has two principal components—a relatively rigid structure that is transmitted genetically, and functional patterns of behavior acquired through experience and learning and superimposed on the first, or hereditary, structure. Genetically determined behavior is expressed chiefly in innate instincts (see). The functional patterns of behavior include the subjective evaluation of a situation. In higher animals an essential role is played by rational elements—specifically, the ability to extrapolate from previous experience to new situations.

Since reflex theory does not explain the active character of behavior, there have been various attempts to construct an acceptable explanation. For example, in the physiology of activity, the diagram of the reflex arc has been developed into a diagram of the reflex cycle, including some supplementary links, and particularly a model or image of a desired future condition. However, the proposed diagrams have not yet received sufficient experimental confirmation.

Among the important trends in the biological analysis of behavior is the study of superorganismic levels of behavior (behavior in populations and communities and aspects of behavior that are characteristic of a particular species). At this level, a major role is played by genetically determined structures of group behavior, which are extremely diverse in tendency, ranging from aggressiveness to altruism, and which substantially influence the character and stability of communications in communities of animals. The study of these problems has made it possible to establish that in biological evolution, behavior is simultaneously an object and a factor, with a noticeable effect on rates and results. Modern science is rapidly accumulating a great deal of empirical data on animal behavior, and a number of generalized theories have been proposed. However, a single generally accepted theory has not yet been constructed.

Behavior is one of the principal categories in psychology. In general, behaviorism reduced research on the mind to the study of behavior that fits the stimulus-response pattern, ignoring the behavior-forming links that lie between stimulus and response in a system of behavior. Consequently, the behaviorists overlooked the characteristics that distinguish human behavior from animal behavior—characteristics that are determined by man’s social nature.

In modern psychology the central category is not behavior but activity. As a result, behavior is viewed as the external component of objective activity. Because the concept of activity unites the affective (emotive) and cognitive aspects of the mind, it accents the structural stability and purposeful organization of the system of mental actions—that is, the cognitive aspect, the logic of a plan and its realization, and the objective and social determination of a particular system of actions. The concept of behavior emphasizes the forms of mental self-expression less rigidly connected with the intellect but nevertheless more directly dependent on the emotional, volitional, and evaluative spheres of consciousness. Thus, behavioral acts are separate links, moments, and forms in a system of activity. They play an important role because they embody the internal relationship of the subject to the activity and thus substantially influence the total evaluation of the activity.

The difference between behavior and activity is even more pronounced in sociology and social psychology than in psychology. These disciplines regard activity primarily as a social and philosophical category. (For example, in Marxism, “activity” is one of the basic concepts in the explanation of social development.) The concept of “behavior” is used to characterize not always conscious forms and stereotypes of the individual’s self-expression in the social environment—forms that are assimilated by the individual in the course of socialization and education. In concrete social research the concept of “social action,” which to a certain extent unifies the content of the concepts of “behavior” and “activity,” most adequately captures the meaning of the activity of the individual.

In technical systems the concept of “behavior” means a system’s capacity for actions connected not only with the realization of a certain aggregate of functions but also with the necessity to make optimal decisions in situations that present alternatives.


Leont’ev, A. N. “Ocherk razvitiia psikhiki.” In his book Problemy razvitiia psikhiki, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1972.
Rubinshtein, S. L. “Makhizm i krizis psikhologii: Problema soznaniia i povedeniia v istorii zarubezhnoi psikhologii.” In his book Printsipy i puti razvitiia psikhologii. Moscow, 1959.
Miller, G., E. Galanter, and K. Pribram. Plany i struktura povedeniia. Moscow, 1965. (Translated from English.)
Tinbergen, N. Povedenie zhivotnykh. Moscow, 1969. (Translated from English.)
Krushinskii, L. V. “Rol’ elementarnoi rassudochnoi deiatel’nosti v evoliutsii gruppovykh otnoshenii zhivotnykh.” Voprosy filosofii, 1973, no. 11.
Hinde, R. Povedenie zhivotnykh. Moscow, 1974. (Translated from English.)
Marier, P. R., and W. J. Hamilton. Mechanisms of Animal Behavior. New York, 1968.
Tembrock, G. Grundriss der Verhaltenswissenschaften. Jena, 1968.



[bi′hāv·yər] (psychology) Any overt activity of an organism.


(US), behavior Psychola. the aggregate of all the responses made by an organism in any situation b. a specific response of a certain organism to a specific stimulus or group of stimuli


In object technology, the processing that an object can perform.



 [be-hāv´yer] the observable responses, actions, or activities of someone. adj., adj behav´ioral.adaptive behavior behavior that fosters effective or successful individual interaction with the environment.contingent behavior actions that are dependent upon a specific stimulus.behavior disorder a general concept referring to any type of behavioral abnormality that is functional in origin.disorganized infant behavior a nursing diagnosis defined as alteration in integration and modulation of the physiological and behavioral systems of functioning (autonomic, motor, state-organizational, self-regulatory, and attentional-interactional systems) in an infant.health seeking b's see health seeking behaviors" >health seeking behaviors.behavior modification 1. an approach to correction of undesirable conduct that focuses on changing observable actions. Modification of the behavior is accomplished through systematic manipulation of the environmental and behavioral variables related to the specific behavior to be changed. The principles and techniques of this method have been used in treatment of both physical and mental disorders, such as alcoholism, smoking, obesity, and stress. See also conditioning.2. in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of a behavior change.behavior modification (omaha) on the second level of the intervention scheme of the omaha system, a target definition defined as activities designed to promote a change of habits.behavior modification: social skills in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as assisting the patient to develop or improve interpersonal social skills.readiness for enhanced organized infant behavior a nursing diagnosis defined as a pattern of modulation of the physiologic and behavioral systems of functioning (autonomic, motor, state-organizational, self-regulatory, and attentional-interactional systems) in an infant, which is satisfactory but can be improved, resulting in higher levels of integration in response to environmental stimuli.risk for disorganized infant behavior a nursing diagnosis defined as the risk for alteration in integration and modulation of the physiological and behavioral systems of functioning in an infant; see also behavior" >disorganized infant behavior.behavior therapy a therapeutic approach in which the focus is on the patient's observable behavior, rather than on conflicts and unconscious processes presumed to underlie his maladaptive behavior. This is accomplished through systematic manipulation of the environmental and behavioral variables related to the specific behavior to be modified; operant conditioning, systematic desensitization, token economy, aversive control, flooding, and implosion are examples of techniques that may be used in behavior therapy. Studies of classical and operant conditioning form the basis of behavior therapy, which has been used in treatment of both physical and mental disorders, such as alcoholism, smoking, obesity, and stress. See also behavior modification.


(bē-hāv'yōr), 1. Any response emitted by or elicited from an organism. 2. Any mental or motor act or activity. 3. Specifically, parts of a total response pattern. [M.E., fr. O. Fr. avoir, to have]


(bĭ-hāv′yər)n.1. The actions or reactions of a person or animal in response to external or internal stimuli.2. The manner in which something functions or operates.
be·hav′ior·al adj.


Conduct, bearing, demeanor, manner Psychology Manner of behaving—good or bad; mode of conduct; comportment. See Affective behavior, Catatonic behavior, Compensatory behavior, Dyssocial behavior, Eusocial behavior, High-risk behavior, Homosexual behavior, Novelty-seeking behavior, Preening behavior, Purging behavior, Sexual behavior, Suicidal behavior, Symbolic behavior, Withdrawing behavior.


(bē-hāv'yŏr) 1. Any response emitted by or elicited from an organism. 2. Any mental or motor act or activity. 3. Parts of a total response pattern.
Synonym(s): behaviour.
[M.E., fr. O. Fr. avoir, to have]


(bē-hāv'yŏr) 1. Any response emit-ted by or elicited from an organism. 2. Any mental or motor act or activity. 3. Specifically, parts of a total response pattern.
Synonym(s): behaviour.
[M.E., fr. O. Fr. avoir, to have]

Patient discussion about behavior

Q. Is there any explanation for this behavior? My son is 7 years old. He has a very uncooperative behavior with all his friends, his teachers and with us as well. He opposes for everything been taught to him by his teachers. He never cooperates with his friends and he always argues with everyone. He is very hostile to us and is always ready to fight. We have discussed about him to a doctor and he said it may be the signs of ADHD. Still he needs to be diagnosed officially which they may start after meeting my son. I was wondering about the reasons which can lead to such a behavior of my child? Is there any explanation for this behavior?A. ADHA IS GENETIC IN SOME CASES-IT IS GOOD THAT YOU TOOK HIM TO A DR,YOUR SON WILL BE ALRIGHT,ONCE THE DR FINDS OUT WHAT MEDS WORK FOR HIM.GOOD LUCK--MRFOOT56

Q. rude/nasty behavior My sister was diagnosed with Bipolar and continues to take medication. She never went to Psychotherapy. Her demeanor is always very negative and her behavior is often critical and rude. My mother's attributes this to her ‘condition’ therefore reinforces her negative behavior. I haven't read anything about Bipolar that states rude/nasty behavior is a symptom. Is this type of behavior attributable to Bipolar?A. damaez, I totally agree with you. Our bodies are so mal-nourished from the proper neccessities due to the way our foods are prepared that the body doesn't function properly. I believe that so many people are diagnosed with all types of disorders and put on medication and still act the same way with very little improvement. now a days they have a pill for everything. I have never heard of so many disorders in my life time as you hear about now. Bipolar is so easily thrown around that people use this excuse for being rude, disrespectful, and down right mean.You can be in a bad mood go see a doctor and be diagnosed as Bipolar. I work in the field of Human Services in a residential treatment program for DSS Adolescents and just about all that reside are Bipolar it is unreal. Sad but true.The more that is diagnosed the more pills,treatment and MONEY!

Q. What can I do to check on his behavior and make him regular… my 7 year son is seen with ADHD. I am not able to control on his high urges and irregularity and confusion which comes with this ADHD. What can I do to check on his behavior and make him regular…I know if I start now probably he will be better in coming years….A. Very well………..you need to make some strategies for your child. Like create a daily routine for your child. Place your child`s belongings at the same place daily and at same time. If your child is doing anything, please keep the thing away which may distract him. Limit the choices from many things to 2 things only if possible. Describe anything in clear and short way. Make goals for your child like for positive behavior and appreciate him when he does. Please scold less or don’t shout on him for his mistakes at all rather make him understand by reducing on his demands or choices. Help your child to find his talents and make him work on them.

More discussions about behavior


Related to behavior: behaviour
  • noun

Synonyms for behavior

noun the manner in which one behaves


  • action
  • comportment
  • conduct
  • deportment
  • way

noun the way in which a machine or other thing performs or functions


  • functioning
  • operation
  • performance
  • reaction
  • working

Synonyms for behavior

noun manner of acting or controlling yourself


  • conduct
  • doings
  • behaviour

Related Words

  • activity
  • aggression
  • bohemianism
  • dirty pool
  • dirty tricks
  • offense
  • offensive activity
  • discourtesy
  • offence
  • easiness
  • the way of the world
  • the ways of the world

noun the action or reaction of something (as a machine or substance) under specified circumstances


  • behaviour

Related Words

  • activeness
  • activity
  • action

noun (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people


  • demeanor
  • demeanour
  • deportment
  • behaviour
  • conduct

Related Words

  • trait
  • manners
  • citizenship
  • swashbuckling
  • correctitude
  • properness
  • propriety
  • improperness
  • impropriety
  • personal manner
  • manner

noun (psychology) the aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situation


  • behaviour

Related Words

  • activity
  • territoriality
  • psychological science
  • psychology




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